Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Steelers play tonight, and Sam is all dressed.
This reminds me - he doesn't have an Ohio State shirt that fits. Guess we better do some shopping!

It's Official!

Sam is getting a new...


Best Wishes, Matt and Kate! We're so thrilled to welcome Kate to the family with our impossible-to-pronounce last name.

Friday, August 6, 2010

15 Months

Sam had his 15-month well visit at the pediatrician yesterday and it was a different experience. The boy was very aware the entire time that something was up. He was uncharacteristically cautious of every person that waked into the exam room (2 nurses and 1 doctor) and cried on and off the entire time. The doctor always has me hold Sam in my lap for the physical exam and the poor boy clung to my arm very hard the entire time. And then came the shots. I think he knew they were coming. And then they came, and his face was bright red and his little body shook. I almost cried again. I think I might make Chris take him for his flu shot in September.

My boy is still long and lean. Well, average and lean. He is 31 inches, which is 50th percentile on the growth chart. He grew 2 inches in 3 months, and moved up from the 30th percentile for height! Weight...that's another story. He did gain wait - almost two pounds in fact. But at 19lbs 3 oz he still is not on the growth chart. He has a very nicely shaped growth curve, its just well below normal. But the doctor says he's developing well and looks healthy. He is slightly behind on the talking front (his only words are "hi" and "uh oh") but the doctor wasn't concerned about that yet. He said comprehension is more important at this point, and Sam clearly comprehends. Obeying is another story. Maybe in the next three months he'll gain 2.5 pounds and learn 7 new words and not be behind on growth or speech!

I was also told that he should be off the bottle and pacifier. I proudly announced that he'd been off the bottle for 6 weeks...and sheepishly admitted that I was afraid to take away the pacifier. It just seems so harsh. We'll see.

Being Outside (even if its 100 degrees and humid)
Running and Climbing
Rearranging collections of objects
Reading "interactive" picture books
Standing on a chair to "help" Mommy make dinner (This was a necessity. He is miserable if he can't see what's going on)

Sitting still to be changed
The doctor's office
Being contained

**The picture this month is from they day the house next door to us was demolished. There was much big truck love that day!**