Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Heart Day

I made an effort to document my Valentine's Day with my kiddos this year!  You will see that I strongly prefer to celebrate with food...

The festivities, of course, started with Sam's class party on Thursday.  We made his first Valentine's Box, and I showed great restraint in letting him decorate it as he saw fit, regardless of how messy the end product looked in my eyes.  We assembled his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT for short) cards for his friends, complete with eraser and smarties.  This year her wrote his name on all of them on his own, no tracing required.  Some were neater than others - focus is not his strong suit.

He also requested to make a special valentine for Mrs. Erin and one for his friend Reagan as well.  They try to so hard to keep everything equal with the little ones, but the heart wants what the heart wants!  I put together Valentines for the teachers - Starbucks cards!  Not quite as cute as the Pinterest version, but I still liked them.  "Sam Likes You a Latte!"

Friday morning I found roses waiting for me when I returned from my run, and the kids found their heart-shaped balloons shortly thereafter.  Next up: heart-shaped sprinkle pancakes.  My children will eat ANYTHING if I put sprinkles on it.  This year I managed to get two pancakes handed off to my biggest valentine before he left for work!  (Side Note: how do you teach a 4-year-old to ditch his terribly forced "picture smile" for his much sweeter real smile?)

We hung around the house all morning, but that gave us a chance to open a few gifts that arrived in the mail!  Aunt Becky sent Kiwi Crates for the kiddos - what great gifts! Sam got to make his own super hero cape and meteor ball, while Annabelle created her own jingle bell bracelet.  I promise, she is way more into the craft than this picture would imply.

And the super hero races the three of us had afterwards were awesome!

Lunch was also Pinterest-inspired.  Peanut butter sandwiches with heart-shaped sprinkle cut outs.  Sam ate every bite.  Annabelle worked hard to pick every sprinkle off that sandwich.

After naps I treated my little valentines to a trip to Starbucks.  Sam requested the same "chocolate chip cookie I got when I had to go potty when we were looking at houses with Mr. Steve."  (that was a year ago)  Annabelle loved on her pink cake pop, declaring it "yummy!"  She got a kick out of watching all the school buses drive by as we snacked.  I took advantage of the buy-one-share-one latte offer, but saved my iced one for later (for myself).

Dinner was, again, heart shaped!  Heart-shaped meatloaves and bell peppers arranged to look like hearts.  And desert was the heart cake.  I use that heart pan once a year, every year - without fail!

I forgot to give the kids their candy boxes from me.  Maybe tomorrow?

The meatloaves were actually just dinner for the kids.  As they were finishing, Chris sent me to a candlelight bubble bath while he cleaned the kitchen and got the kids to bed.  Once they were asleep, he prepared grilled steaks, bacon-wrapped potatoes and bruschetta.  We dined outside next to a warm fire.  Oh, and deep-fried strawberries with chocolate sauce for desert.  Mmm.  And our gifts to each other prove that we do actually pay attention to one another after all!

It was a great day - I thoroughly enjoyed my time with each of my valentines.  And now I shall enjoy some leftover cake...