Monday, November 9, 2015

October Round Up

Annabelle has been invited to a few birthday parties so far this fall.  I am enjoying getting to know the kids and moms in her class better!

Its tricky to find time for fun outings during the school year, especially when there are football games every Saturday morning!  I've made an effort to make the most of our early dismissal day this year for this purpose - we even made it to the zoo one Friday afternoon!

One day your son's eating breakfast and asks, "why can't I see the numbers on the oven clock?"  Hmm, that's strange, they are dim.  And then you turn the vacuum on and all the lights dim to about 50% and you think, well I don't remember traveling back to the olden days.  You note the abnormalities but continue on with your busy day only to return home after 8 hours away to an 80 degree house.  Long story short, a couple of visits from this truck and one visit from the electrician later, we have new underground wires from the transformer to our breaker box and we're running on full power.

Its nice to have friends with cool toys!

Math night at the elementary school!  Daddy didn't understand the "proper" solution method and decided to teach his first grader some algebra instead.  Common Core, hear we come!


September Misc.

I do love the girl days that Goosie and I get to spend together when Sam is back at school.  Sometimes we just hang in the playroom and cook, and sometimes I like to treat her to little special things that I probably wouldn't do if both kids were with actually put money in the silly ride outside the dollar store.

We bought tickets through Sam's baseball league back in May, and FINALLY got around to using them over labor day weekend.  The Sugar Land Skeeters play in an extremely family friendly venue, it really is a great evening out with the kids.  But they aren't even a farm team, so do manage your expectations a bit on the quality of play.

The week her class learned the letter B the teachers sent home some Banana Bread to be Baked in the oven.  Turned out really well, even if neither of my kids would eat it.  What is wrong with them?

A sweet family from church hosted a pool party for the 1st grade boys.  Hot dogs, chips, popsicles and pool.  They looked like they could have been some type of advertisement for the 4th of July.

Someone lost his second tooth, and didn't swallow it!  We did lose it though - seriously, we have issues. But we're pretty sure the tooth fairy came back for it.  At least we got to put this on in Snaggle's pocket and didn't have to write the fairy a note!

Chris signed up for his WATCH DOG day early in the year this go round, and I think we're glad he did.  He was able to learn a lot about the new teacher, new kids and class dynamics.  Sam, as always, loved having him there!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Halloween.  My kids count down to it without almost as much anticipation as Christmas or their birthdays.  Ok, not quite that much, but certainly more than any other event on the calendar.  Candy and costumes.  Their happy place.

Of course it also helps that we've been invited to participate in the festivities with friends the past couple years.  All of this is more fun when there's a party involved!  Pizza and play before loading up the hayride (pulled by a hunting ranger)?  Yes please.

And there was quite the group this year, so many kids!  Counting from memory, there were at least 14 ranging in age from 13 months to 9 years, plus all their parents.  It was a full ride!

I so wish that everyone could have seen it, the begininng to Annabelle's trick-or-treating adventure.  The ranger rounded the corner and unloaded the kids at the first cul-de-sac.  The big kids started off, wise enough to run right past the dark doors.  Well, there were several dark doors in a row on that first stop so the boys just kept on running.  And then there was Goosie, full of excitement and enthusiasm, without the thought ever occurring to her that she might not keep up.  I watched (from the center) her run the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, empty bucket swinging in her hand in an all out sprint, calling out to the others, "Let's go guys!  I'm coming!  Not that house!"  Running, running, panting, running...until they found a bright front door.  I managed to convince her to slow down, that there was plenty of time and candy and no one would leave us behind, and through heavy breaths she agreed to walk up to the front door and pant out a breathy, yet enthusiastic, "trick or treat!"

Both kids found their groove.  Annabelle began to trust that the ranger wouldn't move on until all kids had caught up, and Sam and his crew worked as a strong "advance team" to scout the 'available houses.'

Her opening sprint was not, however, without consequence.  The run in sock-less dress shoes gave Annabelle a couple of yucky blisters on her heels.  She insisted on taking her shoes off and declared that she was done, very shortly after the fun began.  I convinced her to keep going if I carried her, knowing that she would be disappointed if she missed the fun.  Well, I only lasted about 3 houses before I was done carrying her.  Finally she agreed to trick-or-treat barefoot as long as I was on look out to make sure that cars wouldn't drive over her feet.  (because shoes wouldn't protect her from that?  because she isn't outside barefoot constantly?  the child hates shoes!)  And so, 2015 will go on record as the year that Annabelle trick-or-treated barefoot.

Both of my kids outlasted every single other child in the bunch.  Why?  because candy is their love language, their passion, their vice.  They can walk away from cake and baked goods, ice cream is a no go.  But candy?  They collect it, analyze it, love it.  Any while most Halloween candy will go uneaten, I guarantee you that 95% of theirs will be consumed - by them.

We tried to take advantage of it being daylight savings time, but dragging two exhausted children home an hour past their bedtime did not result in anything resembling "sleeping in."  Sigh...someday.

Pre-Halloween Festivities

With kids in the house, Halloween is more than a one day event.  The costumes must be planned at least a month out, lest the desired costume be sold out!  There are festivities at preschool and pumpkins to be prepped...

First up was the creation of this year's Book Character Pumpkin.  This is a library-sponsored project for the elementary school.  We learned a few lessons from last year, most importantly was to use a CRAFT PUMPKIN and not a real one.  Even though there were other Pigeons there this year, we were all still very pleased with our finished product.  The kids did the painting, I did the gluing.  And in case you're wondering, a hot glue gun will melt a pool noodle.

The annual Noah's Ark Parade at the preschool.  Not an official Halloween celebration, animal costumes only.  I talked Annabelle into a pretty peacock costume this year.  Their class made rainbows to wave during the parade - love that they didn't forget the end of the story!

A sweet neighbor kept Annabelle so that I could go volunteer in the STEM lab for Sam's Pumpkin Science investigation.  I take any chance I can to participate in the classroom!

There is also no official Halloween celebration at the elementary school.  It did, however, land at the end of Red Ribbon Week, a week that encourages some type of silly addition to your normal wardrobe each day.  This year's PTA chairs were able to talk the principle into "dress as your dream job" for Friday, so the kids got a costume day after all.  And believe it or not, we were able to pull off Sam's dream job with minimal effort thanks to a borrowed costume.  He's been stuck on Lifeflight Helicopter Pilot for 2 years now!

I tried really hard to make a fun Halloween lunch for Sam.  Once in the lunch box, the monster mouths melted, the container burst open and there was a chocolate slime all over everything in the lunch box.  Epic fail.

Once again I took Annabelle to ZooBoo with our dear friends.  I thought seriously about not telling Sam for fear of a jealous meltdown, but he took the whole thing in stride - especially when I reminded him that he got to go when he was in preschool.  He even asked her questions about it when he got home and looked at pictures.  I am so proud of him when I see these moments of maturity in him.

The big day was forecasted to be a rain fest.  The promise was fulfilled when we woke to rain and canceled football games on Saturday morning.  Fortunately by lunch it was all clearing up and we had a chance to carve our pumpkins ahead of the big event.  Sam was all about getting his hands in there and pulling the guts out this year - Annabelle not so much.