Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nigh Nigh

Sorry its been awhile. We've been busy living outside the past week and a half, seeing as its been sunny and 75. Ironic, since my last post was about cold weather.

Anywho, here's the latest in Sam's world. The little man seems to have developed a love for taking items to bed with him. Random things. He gets himself attached to them and then insists that they go "nigh nigh" (night night, as in, to bed).

Looking back, I think it started with the "paci lives in the bed" rule. Before, he had always taken paci and lovie to and from bed. Even though the new rule only applied to paci, he couldn't bring lovie. In his mind, the two are connected. This meant he had no loved item to carry to and from bed with him. Really, really sad. I think he's searching for a replacement.

First it was the silicone cupcake baking dishes he pulled out of the drawer under the oven. They're soft for sleeping, and its fun to put snacks in the cups. And it was funny to seem him holding one in each hand when we went to get him in the morning.

Next it was the foam pictures that pop in and out of his bible story books. Eight of them in total. Fun to organize, and again not too hard to end up sleeping on top of.

2 days ago it became his bear. This bear has "lived" in his chair in the family room for about 10 months now. He plays with him every once in awhile, but never seemed too attached. Sunday night I found Sam feeding his snack to the bear. A few minutes later he put him on the couch, patted his lower abdomen and declared "poop" (he was performing his first diaper change). When it was time for PJs, Sam declared that his "be" (read: baby) needed some too. After all this, it was no surprise that the bear was to go nigh nigh with Sam as well.

I think we're getting much closer to an acceptable new bedtime companion. In the meantime the crib is getting VERY crowded, and I am relieved that I can officially check the "initiates pretend play" box on his 2-year Autism screening.

And you'll be happy to know that when Sam was really upset last night, there was nothing like rubbing lovie's big old elephant ears to calm him down.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Seriously, Y'all?

Yesterday it was 19 degrees when we woke up. Now I think that's cold no matter where you're from. But cold enough to cause such an uproar? I think not.

Yesterday we had rolling blackouts - something about a burst pipe at some electric substation or something. But even with that problem I find it VERY difficult to believe we were using anywhere near as much electricity yesterday as we do when its 105 and humid in August week after week. I mean, we have gas heat! (Disclaimer: we never lost power at the house. It went out twice when we were at bible study and Chris's office lost it a few times.)

Around lunch today HISD (Houston Independent School District) announced that all schools will be closed tomorrow. Why? Because there is snow in the FORECAST. I mean, why wait to see if it actually snows or not when you can go ahead and shut down ahead of time?

Toto, I don't think we're in the Midwest anymore!