Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Little Boy

Saturday morning Chris decided to water our bushes. Sam wanted to try to stick his hand in front of the hose. Well that was so fun that he'd better try his whole arm. Quickly it escalated into some impomptu sprinkler play. He laughed and laughed until he got cold, cause its not quite summer in Houston. Last year my baby boy was afraid of the water, this year it is a source of endless fun.Later I went to pick up some infant Motrin for Sam, just to have on hand because we were about out of it. When I got to the store it occured to me to look at the label. The dosages stop at 23 months/23 pounds. I bought the Children's Motrin instead.

That afternoon Daddy was finishing up a project. Sam was pretty sure that daddy needed some help, and I think he was right.When did my baby become a little boy?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More Animals!

Last week was spring break in Houston, which doesn't actually impact us at all. BUT it did mean that one of my friends who usually works as a school librarian had the week off! She invited us to join her and her kiddos at the zoo. It was crowded, and I am still a zoo snob and think Houston's isn't all that great, but the weather and company were great and we had a really nice time!
Sam's two favorites: lunch by the duck pond and more goats at the petting zoo. Yes, that was our second petting zoo in 4 days, and our 3 trip to see animals in 5 days. This time he actually enjoyed climbing more than looking at the animals...fortunately we found lots of things to climb on.We'll have to try again when its not so crowded and he can get a better view!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Gammy, Papa and Animals, Oh My!

Gammy (rhymes with mommy) and Papa, aka my parents, came to visit last weekend. My mom arrived during Sam's nap. When she went in to see him in his crib he said, "Papa?!" Hmm...not exactly what she wanted to hear. But I think the problem wasn't so much that he only wanted to see Grandpa, but that he didn't yet have a name to call Grandma. By the end of the weekend we'd arrived at Gammy and all is well. He even keeps asking about Gammy now that they're gone!

Friday we went to visit the horses again. Sam didn't seem quite as excited to feed them this time, until we figured out he needed a little more control. This time he needed to stand on the ground by himself and reach up really high to feed them. Of course "really high" when you're only about 33 inches to start with doesn't get you very far. It was pretty funny to see him reaching so far up and the horses bending so far down to get that carrot!

Saturday we hit the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Now Sam can officially say he's Texan! We visited the petting zoo, saw a baby chick hatch, awed at some one-day-old piglets, rode a Ferris wheel and stopped at EVERY SINGLE automatic hand sanitizer dispenser we could find. Apparently it is absolutely hilarious when a goat runs into you, but the bunnies are kind of boring. And since no good fair-type experience without it, he experienced the bliss of all kinds of fried foods, including Oreos. Mmm.

There was lots of outdoor play and toy demonstrations as well. My parents were impressed by how much our little guy is talking now, repeating everything and even putting some words together here and there (like "I got it!" whenever he makes it up a big step or grabs something that was hard to reach. so cute!). I think everyone had a great time, as evidenced by the tears and cries for his Gammy and Papa as they walked into the airport on Sunday afternoon.