Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Little Boy

Saturday morning Chris decided to water our bushes. Sam wanted to try to stick his hand in front of the hose. Well that was so fun that he'd better try his whole arm. Quickly it escalated into some impomptu sprinkler play. He laughed and laughed until he got cold, cause its not quite summer in Houston. Last year my baby boy was afraid of the water, this year it is a source of endless fun.Later I went to pick up some infant Motrin for Sam, just to have on hand because we were about out of it. When I got to the store it occured to me to look at the label. The dosages stop at 23 months/23 pounds. I bought the Children's Motrin instead.

That afternoon Daddy was finishing up a project. Sam was pretty sure that daddy needed some help, and I think he was right.When did my baby become a little boy?

1 comment: said...

So cute and boy do those pictures take me back!!!!