Thursday, June 16, 2011

Celebrate Kate

Almost a month its really been that long...we all flew up to Ohio to Celebrate Kate! It was time to throw this Bride-to-Be her first shower, and the whole family was coming for the occasion. For the first time, all TEN of us were in the same city: Kristen, George and Molly flew in from SoCal, we flew in from Houston, Matt flew in from Chi-Town, and Kate drove in from Indy. We're keeping the travel industry afloat.

Yes, so not only did we have a shower, but I met my niece for the first time! Sad that she was 5 months old, but fun nonetheless. She and I practiced rolling from back to front (a skill she mastered the day after she left me, I might add) and gave her mommy some tips on how to coerce a less-than-enthused baby into eating from a spoon (a skill I wish I didn't have, but glad to assist anyhow). She also gave me a nasty glare several times when I tried to make her do tummy time...he he he. She looks like a Stegmiller and has her daddy's mellow personality to go along with it. Speaking of whom, we also George for the first time since he returned from war, which was over a year ago. It'd be super-great if that threesome would move eastward and stop heading off to the dessert for lengthy spans of time.

The shower was pretty, my mom and DeLisa did a wonderful job. I felt for Kate, as I once had a shower much like this one was for her. All the guests are your fiance's family and his mothers' friends - its just a bit overwhelming! She did an amazing job meeting everyone and putting faces with stories she heard, etc. And it helps that Matt and Kate got loads of good loot. Kate's parents also came in for the occasion, so I finally met them.
Poor Sam didn't love that afternoon. The boys went out for lunch and to get fitted for tuxes (yes, Sam, too) while we partied. They brought him home an hour past nap time, so he didn't sleep long. When he woke up lots of people were still milling about, he was still tired, and disoriented, and just plane overwhelmed. He had probably his worst meltdown to date. It was BAD and LONG. Nothing would calm him. Finally he was able to get out the words "People Leave!" And slowly they did. And he played with Matt and Papa out back till it was all clear. Poor guy just doesn't do well with unfamiliar crowds. I guess he takes after Papa a little bit, too ;-)

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