Friday, June 29, 2012

4 Months

4 Months Old!  How can she still feel so new?  But alas, she is not.  Because new babies aren't rolling over (back to front, yes the hard way.  She has yet to repeat her front to back feat, but is a pro at back to front.  She does it a lot, then gets mad that she is on her tummy.  You roll her back, she does it again.  She has not learned cause and effect yet.).  New babies are also not trying to sit up and constantly craining their necks for a better view.  They also aren't rocking the exersaucer.

New she is not, but she is still small.  11lbs 3oz completely naked, which is the 3rd percentile.  Perhaps I should have let them weigh her with her diaper on!  But she is 25 inches long, which is the 77th percentile!  (If you're interested in comparing my kids, you can click here.  Sam was bigger at 4 months.  This does not bode well for Annabelle's weight gain over the next year.)  She isn't laughing yet, which was one of the 4 month milestones on the doctor's poster, but she is doing one or two of the 5 month milestones so I guess it all evens out.  She was given a clean bill of health, three vaccines (her brother happily ate her sucker for her) and instructions to return in two months.

Our little lady continues to be quite social.  She is happiest when she can interact with people, but will settle for watching the action if everyone is busy.  So strong, is her desire to be included, she had earned herself a place at the dinner table.  She just couldn't see our smiling faces from the floor.

Her days go something like this: Wake between 6:45 and 7:30, eat, play, fall asleep either in the car or in her bed if we aren't headed out.  Repeat that until about 8:30pm, when she falls asleep for the night.  We still wake her right before we go to bed for a dream feed, which we've been encouraged to drop.  Perhaps one day she will get a nap schedule, but we are just on the go too much for that right now.  She spends her awake time split between a blanket on the floor, the bouncy seat, someone's arms and now the exersaucer.  For her, life is good.

-Watching her brother
-Interacting with people
-Grabbing things
-Having her hand held while she eats

-Being alone
-Shots (she throws up and is very cranky for at least a day afterward)

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