Friday, November 30, 2012

9 Months

*Yesterday was crazy.  Sorry to be a day late!"

We met some friends at the park today, her daughter turns 1 in just 5 weeks.  I asked her if it felt like it had been a year, and admitted that it feels like Annabelle has been around more like 6 months than 9.  But alas, here we are...

And she is behaving like a 9 month old.  Crawling ALL over the place.  At the park this morning she crawled all the way down a sizable hill in just a few seconds without once stumbling on the uneven ground or sloped terrain.  She is also now pulling up on anything and everything she can reach - couches, coffee tables, dishwashers, jeans, cupboards, etc.  It is a constant struggle for us to keep things out of reach, and it is possible that she had stolen a few of Sam's Lucky Charms (can you tell Grammy was in town?  Mommy is "not allowed" to buy that cereal, but Grammy and Gommy are!).  She is yet to start cruising, but her balance is improving daily.  We're almost hoping that she walks early just because she's so small - how awesome will it look if such a tiny person is toddling around!?

Her fine motor skills are still at a slower pace.  No clapping or waving yet.  She is an enthusiastic self-feeder, and getting more coordinated, but still doesn't have the perfect pincer grasp.

She is still a happy little girl and is starting to show a bit more of her personality.  She still goes with the flow beautifully, but she will grunt at you if you take away something she was playing with (here's looking at you, Sam!).  She has a goofy little scowl face that doesn't seem to have anything to do with a sour mood.  Pretty sure she just likes the reactions she gets when she makes it.

Annie-Bananie loves her "real" food.  She eats an average amount at lunch (3-4oz baby food plus finger foods) but chows down at dinner.  This week she has been digging the leftover turkey mixed with her pears.  She eats all food groups with enthusiasm, but prefers her green veggies mixed with something else.  She is getting better at the sippy cup, but still isn't a pro.  She still likes the act of nursing, but is starting to care more about the comfort aspect of it than the food aspect of it.  The plan is still to keep it up until 12 months.

She is still small, but growing!  Per the pediatrician yesterday she now weighs 15 lbs 10 oz, which is WAY up to the 11th percentile.  Woot woot!  She is 26 3/4 inches long, which is the 19th percentile.  She wears mostly 9 month clothes, but her 6 month dresses now work nicely as tunic tops with leggings.  She can wear some 12 month stuff, but it tends to be pretty wide on her.  She is still in size 2 shoes.  Most of her socks refuse to stay on.

-Dancing and music
-Putting things in her mouth
-Pulling on her ear when tired

-Being left in the high chair or exersaucer
-Having toys stolen from her

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