Thursday, March 13, 2014


These 2.  Sam and Annabelle.  It sounds funny to say "they're getting older," because they are 2 and 4, still so very young.  But for the first time I feel like I have 2 KIDS.  Not a preschooler and a baby, but two kids.  Yes, Annabelle could still be considered a toddler and Sam a preschooler, but next year she is a preschooler and he is a kindergartner.  In a few months our world changes a bit, and I can see them both growing and preparing for it.
One of the ways I am really enjoying watching them grow is in their sibling relationship.  They have always been fascinated with each other, but the fascination is slowly being replaced by a real relationship.
At times that relationship looks like a friendship.  They have favorite games to play together now.  They love to ride their Cozy Coupes around the driveway together.  One day, when the weather was nice enough to leave the doors and windows open, they played in those cars for 20 minutes while I was inside cooking dinner (one point to life on a suburban cul-de-sac, that would never have happened at the old house!).  They were engaging each other, playing WITH, not just near.

Another favorite of theirs is to play in Annabelle's crib.  She, of course, loves it because that is where Paci lives.  He loves it because it is a special privilege to be allowed to climb in with her.  But really, neither would stay long without the other.  They will hang in there for a long time together - I think our record is pushing an hour.  

One morning Annabelle called to announce that she was awake.  I went in to get her and she shunned me, demanding to see Sam.  The next day, when she called for him by name, I sent him in to greet her.  They were in there at least 20 minutes before either bothered to ask for me.

 She asks for him when she wakes up from a nap, and gasps with excitement and announces "Sam Side!" (Sam is inside!) when we drive past the preschool.  She has been known to walk to the back door and declare "Get Sam" when he is at school.

He is taking well to the big brother role, in all aspects.  He is my helper in potty training and her helper in times of need.  Two days ago when she was stuck in a giant indoor play structure, he hear her cry (yes, he recognized her cry) from one level up and when to pull her up with him.  He pulls her into his games and imaginative play, he likes to feel "big" when we let him in on "our side" of the story and he gets to play along in helping her to learn something.  And sometimes he yells at me for punishing her.  "You cannot yell at my sister!"

And sometimes he throws her under the bus for crimes they committed together, and sometimes he hits her on the head because she put his helmet on.  And sometimes she screams at him, or just in general so that we blame him.  "Annabelllllle!" and "Sam, NO!" are heard regularly.  And part of me gets frustrated, and part of me knows that this is all part of a real sibling relationship that I have the responsibility of helping them to form.

When they fight over toys that no one has touched in a month, I want to scream.  But when they fight over my lap, all seems right with the world.

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