Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Recently At Art Class...

Everything that Miss Debbie plans is intentional.  There are themes for the month and for the day, but the crafts are not just a craft to match.  The activities develop fine motor, large motor, verbal skills, etc.  Activities like this one where she studded her hand-molded moon surface with small jewels, are all about pincer grip coordination.

Squishing the clay builds strength, but is also helping my girl be more comfortable with different, shall we say messier, textures.  And then when she smashed a dinosaur into it and painted it, she also got to learn what a fossil is!

Sam got to visit class with us again when he was off school for MLK Day.  It was Dinosaur Day!

February brought us into a Wild West Candyland Adventure.  We read the story of the Gingerbread Man and feasted our eyes upon a plate of cookies, but they ran away during craft time!

I realized as we were creating these Valentine's that she no longer needed me to peel the backs off of these foam stickers for her.  She couldn't even come close to doing it herself when we started class in December!

The week that the kiddos were invited to sit around the campfire, Annabelle was expectantly hesitant.  Miss Debbie explained that it was pretend and eased her into touching the tissue paper representation of her one, true phobia.  And Miss Debbie commented that this fear of fire isn't surprising, given Annabelle's more cautious and thoughtful personality.  She did relax, and grew increasingly enthusiastic when she saw what was planned for camp fire time.  What a creative way to serve s'mores to preschoolers: each got to dip one marshmallow in chocolate sauce and then roll it in graham cracker crumbs.  Most of the class devoured them, but Annabelle sat there for at least 10 minutes, licking and enjoying her treat.  That's how I would have done it as a kid, too.

We've had a lot of fun with the large motor this month, playing with our hats and stick horses.

She has her favorite seat at the craft table now, and her favorite tree to park under, and feels totally comfortable there.  And wait till you see what we have in store with Miss Debbie next!

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