Monday, March 23, 2009

The Growing Belly...Part III

Here we are at 33 weeks and 4 days. I am feeling quite huge these days, so it will be interesting to see what I look like in another six weeks. SIX WEEKS! I can't believe its really that close. Most days I'm still feeling pretty good. Occasionally I start to get uncomfortable if I get stuck in one position for too long, but for being this close to the end, I really can't (or shouldn't!) complain.

It has been interesting to hear how everyone thinks I'm carrying. I've had a few tell me how high the baby is, and a few tell me how low the baby is. More and more recently I am hearing that its going to be a boy because I'm "all belly." I'm not sure I buy all those old wives tales though. I'm sticking with my opinion that its a girl, and Chris is holding fast to his prediction of boy. I'm claiming mother's instinct as the backing for my prediction. I'm still not sure how Chris came up with his. Either way, let us know your prediction by voting in the poll on the left. They "Days Left to Vote" is also a countdown clock to Poppy's due date.

Ohio Baby Shower

Yes, I was blessed to have baby showers on back to back weekends! Had to fit them both in before I have to stop flying. I am glad to be done flying for awhile - its amazing how I can be completely comfortable in my every day life, but as soon as I sit in an airplane seat my body starts to rebel against me. But I digress...

This trip was great because so many people came into town! Both of my grandmothers came in from Cleveland and my aunt flew in from DC. DeLisa Ferguson (Matriarch of the Ferguson Clan, with whom we are lifelong friends, and shower hostess) brought brought 7/9 of the clan with her. We got to meet Hayden, who was born in October and will be the first in the next generation of the Stairstep Photo. Poppy will be step number two.

The ladies had a lovely time at the shower while the men spent the afternoon watching basketball at BW3's. We enjoyed lovely finger foods (especially the petit fours!) while playing a few shower games, during which time the generation gap became quite apparent. I don't think that anyone under the age of 40 knew more than 3 of the correct endings to the nursery rhymes, but we all did much better in coming up with the names of the TV children from various sitcoms.

I had so much fun visiting with everyone! And Poppy did quite well, thanks to the many generous gifts. Bottles, clothes, toys, books, blankets, bedding, you name it. One of my favorites was from Uncle Matt - he gave Poppy a stuffed lamb that plays music, just like his own Lambie that he loved (loves) for so many years.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Florida Baby Shower

Last Saturday my Mother-in-Law (Debbie) and Sister-in-Law (Becky) threw me a baby shower with family and friends back in Chris's hometown of Sarasota, Florida. It was a quick trip for us, flying in Friday night and returning Sunday evening, but it was great to be able to see people one more time before we are parents. And this Time I actually looked pregnant (unlike when we saw them all at Thanksgiving).

Chris enjoyed an afternoon of golf with the guys while the ladies joined us at Debbie's house for the shower. In addition to the wonderful food that they made and the gift opening, we did play a few games at this one:

"My Water Broke" is a game to see who can get their ice cube to melt the fastest, thus freeing the plastic baby frozen inside. Krissy either has hot hands or some special trick she picked up by teaching high school science, because hers was done really quickly!

Everyone had to guess how many squares of toilet paper it would take to go around my stomach. If you're curious, it took 10 and "Great-Aunt Julie" guessed correctly. Thanks to all those who guessed in the 20's.

"Don't Say Baby" is exactly what it sounds like. Anytime you catch someone saying that word, you get to take their clothes pin, along with any they've collected from other people. "Aunt Becky" won this one by default - she really only caught one person who just happened to have a lot of pins already.

Poppy received many wonderful gifts. Some of the more unique ones included a hand-made quilt and a custom-made bag that opens into a play mat and holds all kinds of matching accessories. Thanks so much to everyone who came to help us celebrate our new little one!