Monday, March 23, 2009

The Growing Belly...Part III

Here we are at 33 weeks and 4 days. I am feeling quite huge these days, so it will be interesting to see what I look like in another six weeks. SIX WEEKS! I can't believe its really that close. Most days I'm still feeling pretty good. Occasionally I start to get uncomfortable if I get stuck in one position for too long, but for being this close to the end, I really can't (or shouldn't!) complain.

It has been interesting to hear how everyone thinks I'm carrying. I've had a few tell me how high the baby is, and a few tell me how low the baby is. More and more recently I am hearing that its going to be a boy because I'm "all belly." I'm not sure I buy all those old wives tales though. I'm sticking with my opinion that its a girl, and Chris is holding fast to his prediction of boy. I'm claiming mother's instinct as the backing for my prediction. I'm still not sure how Chris came up with his. Either way, let us know your prediction by voting in the poll on the left. They "Days Left to Vote" is also a countdown clock to Poppy's due date.

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