Thursday, April 30, 2009

Samuel James

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Samuel James Hunniford

Samuel James Hunniford, born April 30th, 2009 at 9:47 am. 8 lbs 0 oz, 19.5".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Feathering the Nest

I feel like I've been assembling Poppy's room for months now, and I guess I have. But I have finally reached the point where I can say that the room is as ready as its going to be before Poppy is born. The last element was completed over the weekend when Joanne artfully drew, and I painted, the elephant on the wall. There's still no artwork or pictures hanging on the walls, but that is going to wait. Once we have a name and a gender, then we'll hang some things up and it will REALLY be done.

As for the rest of the nest, I can't say I've been feathering it, but I have been cleaning it. Things that normally don't bother me all of the sudden seem priorities that must be addressed immediately. My house has no piles - I think its the first time since we moved in. I still feel like there is much left to be done on the cleaning front, but I'm running out of energy to get it done.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Growing Belly...Part IV

I've reached the point where I wake up each morning feeling bigger than I did when I went to bed the night before. Some days Chris even agrees that yes, it does look like I got bigger today.

I have prided myself on keeping my balance and flexibility throughout this pregnancy. I still wear my heels to work daily and haven't really run into anything, or any of those things you often here pregnant women saying. However, in the past few weeks I have lost one skill: the ability to stand on one leg while putting a sock on the opposite foot at the gym. Its not that I can't balance on one leg (even pregnancy can't kill 17 years of ballet training), but with my body in that position I just can't seem to reach my foot with my arms. Can't bend enough. I feel a little like T-Rex. Luckily this problem can be resolved by sitting on the bench. The issue of painting my toenails is not as easily resolved. So please don't judge me for the chipped polish on my tootsies - its just not worth the effort at the moment. Time to redeem that pedicure gift card I got for Christmas...

These latest pictures were taken at 36 weeks and 3 days, less than 4 weeks before my due date. I can now count the remaining time period in days rather than months or weeks, and have reached the 90 range of "percentage of pregnancy completed." Let the waiting begin!