Thursday, July 30, 2009

Three Months

Sam is now 3 months old. Babies don't get a three-month visit to the doctor, so Chris and I did our best to weigh and measure him ourselves this month. Our best estimate is 24 inches and 12lb 13 oz - don't ask about percentiles or anything because I have no idea. I'm beginning to think he is small for his age, but I'm not really sure.

This month Sam really seemed to solidify his transition away from "newborn." He can sleep through the night and spends so much of his time alert and awake, seeming to take in everything around him. Sometimes he has trouble falling asleep for his nap because he seems to think that he'll miss out on something. He loves to "talk" to us and it even seems like he understand that he can use these sounds instead of crying to communicate with us. He's figured out that he has two hands and is fascinated by holding them together in front of his face. And apparently he rolled over from his back to his tummy, but I wasn't home so I cannot independently confirm this report.

Changing Table
Daddy's Funny Faces and Noises
Looking at New Things Outside
The Flashing Star (hangs above his playmat)
Being held while walking

Tummy Time (he used to enjoy it)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sam's Baptism

As members of a PCA church, we believe in baptising infants. We believe that infants are baptised as covenant children, as an outward symbol of God's blessings bestowed to them through the faith of their parents. This past Sunday was Sam's turn to be welcomed to the Covenant Family through baptism. Chris and I took vows recognizing Sam's need for God's grace, claiming God's promises on his behalf while looking to the Lord for his salvation, and that we will raise him according to God's Word. Sam was baptised by our good friend and neighbor, Rev. Eric Priest (yes, that makes him Pastor Priest!).

Both sets of grandparents were able to come into town for the big event, which made for quite a fun weekend! Sam performed wonderfully by cooing, laughing, and smiling at all of them practically on command to keep all entertained. I think he's probably bored today now that its just me and him around the house! The grandparents were also able to partake in the party we had at our house on Sunday afternoon. It was wonderful to celebrate Sam's baptism with family, friends, food, and cake!

The Baptism Gown that Sam wore is family gown that has passed through my mother's mother's family. It is 57 years old, originally purchased for my uncle, and has been worn by somewhere between 15-20 people (see below for list, still working on filling in the rest of the names). It is lovely, but beginning to show its age as the thin cotton has a few worn spots. My mom and I are going to look into what can be done to preserve the gown for as long as possible.

The blanket that you see in some of the pictures is a Christening Blanket hand-made specifically for Sam. My dear friend, Sophie (whom I met when studying abroad in Scotland), indicated that it is custom where she grew up (outside Munich, Germany) to send a Christening Blanket as a baby gift. Her mother made it - it is without question the most beautiful hand-made blanket that I've ever seen. It is yellow, because Mrs. Scheller began working on it long before we knew that "Poppy" would be Samuel.

The following family members have all worn the same Baptism Gown (All relations from Sam's perspective):
Michael Patrick Gaffney (Mother's Uncle)
Timothy Daniel Gaffney (Mother's Uncle)
Kathleen Marie Gaffney Sivard (Mother's Mother)
Kelly Anne Gaffney Whalen (Mother's Aunt)
Erin Nicole Gaffney (Mother's Cousin)
Kristen Leigh Sivard Stegmiller (Mother's Sister)
Lindsay Brooke Sivard Hunniford (Mother)
Matthew James Sivard (Mother's Brother)
Samuel James Hunniford

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My First 4th of July

My Aunt Becky was supposed to come meet me with Grandma and Grandpa back in May, but she got mono. So, Aunt Becky came to visit all of us for a long 4th of July weekend.

The most exciting part of the weekend (other than meeting my aunt, of course), was the pool party we were all invited to! I was all set with my swim suit, t-shirt, and sandals from Mommy's college roommate (also named Becky), and matching hat from Grandma. One problem: I HATE having lotion put on me, and this means that I hate sunscreen too!

Fortunately, I enjoyed the pool much more than the preparations for the pool. Mommy, Daddy, and Becky were taking sooooo many pictures of my first swim! For awhile Mommy held me while I got used to the water, then I lounged in Dad's arms for a bit. And boy was it relaxing - so much so that I eventually fell asleep!

Once we were done swimming, I dried off on my towel and made my first attempt at sun bathing. Even though it was in the shade, I think I've got Mommy's enjoyment of lying around outside! Once I was dry and fed, I was a very happy baby and enjoyed some "dancing" and "singing" with my friend Jessica. And there was so much to look at - it was the most time I've ever spent outside! All in all, I had a great day!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Two Months

Sam turned 2 months old on Tuesday. I can't decide if it feels like its been 2 months or not. In a way, it seems like he's always been here. Yet at the same time, I feel like this is all still so new. Either way, he certainly has changed since he was born! He now likes to play and interact with people, has developed different types of cries depending on his needs/wants, is much more alert and aware, and of course, bigger! Not quite as big as I thought though - at 11 lbs 11 0z he is in the 50 percentile for weight, and at 23 inches he's in the 50 percentile for height as well.

I know this because we went to his doctor on Tuesday as well. Dr. Jung declared that he looks perfect from head to toe and is a textbook baby. Unfortunately, this doctor visit also brought his first round of vaccinations - 3 shots and one orally. I have never heard my little boy cry this way. It was truly a cry out of fear and pain, you know, the kind where he stops breathing, turns bright red, and screams at the top of his lungs. And oh that face! It was enough to bring Mommy to tears as well, and the nurse said she wanted someone else to do it next time because she didn't want to hurt him again. Fortunately, he seems to have a short memory because I was able to calm him down within 5 minutes and he was asleep before the car was even moving. And then he stayed asleep all afternoon and evening - even skipping a feeding! But he was fine again the next morning. All in all he did quite well!

At two months, here's a list of Sam's likes and dislikes:

-Anything that vibrates (thankfully, this now includes the car seat, as long as its in a moving car or a moving stroller)
-Being Swaddled
-Batting at his hanging toys
-Hanging out on his changing table

-Staying in a non-moving car seat

P.S. Sam slept from 10:15-6:00 last night!