Thursday, July 2, 2009

Two Months

Sam turned 2 months old on Tuesday. I can't decide if it feels like its been 2 months or not. In a way, it seems like he's always been here. Yet at the same time, I feel like this is all still so new. Either way, he certainly has changed since he was born! He now likes to play and interact with people, has developed different types of cries depending on his needs/wants, is much more alert and aware, and of course, bigger! Not quite as big as I thought though - at 11 lbs 11 0z he is in the 50 percentile for weight, and at 23 inches he's in the 50 percentile for height as well.

I know this because we went to his doctor on Tuesday as well. Dr. Jung declared that he looks perfect from head to toe and is a textbook baby. Unfortunately, this doctor visit also brought his first round of vaccinations - 3 shots and one orally. I have never heard my little boy cry this way. It was truly a cry out of fear and pain, you know, the kind where he stops breathing, turns bright red, and screams at the top of his lungs. And oh that face! It was enough to bring Mommy to tears as well, and the nurse said she wanted someone else to do it next time because she didn't want to hurt him again. Fortunately, he seems to have a short memory because I was able to calm him down within 5 minutes and he was asleep before the car was even moving. And then he stayed asleep all afternoon and evening - even skipping a feeding! But he was fine again the next morning. All in all he did quite well!

At two months, here's a list of Sam's likes and dislikes:

-Anything that vibrates (thankfully, this now includes the car seat, as long as its in a moving car or a moving stroller)
-Being Swaddled
-Batting at his hanging toys
-Hanging out on his changing table

-Staying in a non-moving car seat

P.S. Sam slept from 10:15-6:00 last night!

1 comment:

the dowiaks said...

he is so precious!!