Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My First 4th of July

My Aunt Becky was supposed to come meet me with Grandma and Grandpa back in May, but she got mono. So, Aunt Becky came to visit all of us for a long 4th of July weekend.

The most exciting part of the weekend (other than meeting my aunt, of course), was the pool party we were all invited to! I was all set with my swim suit, t-shirt, and sandals from Mommy's college roommate (also named Becky), and matching hat from Grandma. One problem: I HATE having lotion put on me, and this means that I hate sunscreen too!

Fortunately, I enjoyed the pool much more than the preparations for the pool. Mommy, Daddy, and Becky were taking sooooo many pictures of my first swim! For awhile Mommy held me while I got used to the water, then I lounged in Dad's arms for a bit. And boy was it relaxing - so much so that I eventually fell asleep!

Once we were done swimming, I dried off on my towel and made my first attempt at sun bathing. Even though it was in the shade, I think I've got Mommy's enjoyment of lying around outside! Once I was dry and fed, I was a very happy baby and enjoyed some "dancing" and "singing" with my friend Jessica. And there was so much to look at - it was the most time I've ever spent outside! All in all, I had a great day!

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