Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Four Months

Sam turned 4 months old on Sunday (sorry I'm a few days late with the post). I was still thinking of him as a new baby until two things happened: First, I visited a friend's newborn 7lb baby. Second, Becky commented that he was 1/3 of a year. Holy cow, the first third of his first year is already over!

We went to the pediatrician for his "well baby" visit on Monday. Turns out my baby boy is long and lean. He's a respectable 25 1/2 inches long (75%), but only 13lb 7oz (25%). He'd been in the 50% for both height and weight, so we saw some big changes this month. I must have had a worried look, because the doctor asked if I was concerned about his weight. I responded with, "Are you?" (thinking, he you went to Med School!). He wasn't, so I'm not.

Sam did MUCH better with his shots this time. I was holding his hands, making stupid faces at him while the nurse was prepping his legs. All of the sudden she says, "Do you even know I gave you a shot?" Holy Cow! She'd given him one and he didn't make a peep! He did cry for the second shot, but stopped as soon as I picked him up. Yay!

As far as accomplishments in the last month, his biggest is standing. He much prefers to be in a standing position than a sitting position. He can bear all of his own weight (not that there's much of it!) and stand by just holding my hands - or by leaning against furniture. He is SUPER smiley, especially at girls and Daddy.

His cradle cap is looking better, but that's only because he gets some type of lotion all over his body 4+ times per day (and he now sleeps in mittens to keep from scratching his face). He'd still be a very itchy boy if it weren't for some serious persistence. I was given the OK to start solids, but I read somewhere that its better to wait till closer to 6 months in babies with skin problems. My baby definitely has skin problems. Plus, if I'm being honest, I'm not quite ready for him to not be 100% breastfed.

So at 4 months, here are Sam's Likes and Dislikes:
-Pacifier (this one comes and goes, and we now own one of every kind sold in Target)
-Flying Baby

-The evening period (he just gets fussy)
-Missing out on people interaction (if Chris and I are talking and he can't see us, he gets sad)

1 comment: said...

Great update!! He is obviously a Hunniford man -- smiling around the girls. Forgot one of the biggest highlights of his 4th month -- Watching his first Steelers game! Under likes -- add "Steelers". His Dad always got fussy at dinner hour too.
