Thursday, September 3, 2009


Sam and I recently joined a wonderful, large, and well-organized family group in our neighborhood. It has playgroups for all ages, family events, online discussion boards, Moms Nights Out, etc. Honestly, I had no idea how many families with young children there were in our neighborhood until we joined. Sam falls into a Playgroup of babies born in March-August of this year.

The first "playgroup" we went to was at a neighborhood coffee shop. Yes, that makes it much more a playgroup for the moms than the babies, but isn't comparing parenting stories, tips, and ideas really for the babies in the end? This week we went to a playgroup at someone's home. How fun to see 9 babies all over the huge blanket on the floor, looking at each other, rolling onto each other, etc. One would cry and that would set off 3 others. Towards the end they were all falling asleep.

One of the slightly older babies decided to explore Sam's face by touch, as they often do. Usually the baby being explored gets quite annoyed by the intrusion of hands all over his face. Not Sam. He merely saw another new set of fingers to suck on, and that's exactly what he did. You should have seen the look on the other baby's face when Sam started munching on his fingers - so confused!

I think we are going to have a lot of fun with this group - we already have several more playdates scheduled. We can't wait to host everyone at our house soon!

2 comments: said...

His Daddy's first play group was at the diaper studies for P&G - a bunch of babies and toddlers sucking on bottles and sippy cups until they leaked. (the diapers that is!) I'm sure a few of his colds were a result of the sharing but they are going to catch them somewhere.

Elizabeth said...

Hey! I just figured out how to comment :-) Miss you!! I love checking out the blog- Sam is hilarious, and you are so good at expressing what happened! I can totally hear you saying things the same way you write them!