Saturday, October 16, 2010


Sam and I spent the first week of October in Ohio. The main reason for the trip was my sister's baby shower, but Chris had a conference in New Orleans and I figured there was no reason to be home without daddy, so we extended the trip. We were gone for 8 days! Thankfully my mom keeps her house stocked with essentials (toiletries, blow dryers, bibs, toys, etc) so I was able to pack for both of us in one suitcase. We even had to pack some "winter" clothes!

The first time I flew with Sam he was 3 months old. I was terrified of that trip. Looking back it was a piece of cake. He was tiny and slept or ate the entire time. Those days are long gone. But Grandma got the little man his very own seat, and I borrowed a CARES harness, and the trip was more manageable than I anticipated. Not something I choose, but manageable.

I wont bore you with a detailed account of all 8 days, but here are some highlights:

On Sunday (Grandpa's Birthday!) my parents and I took Sam to a pumpkin farm. IT WAS COLD. A true fall day. None of us were really dressed appropriately. Sam LOVED playing on the tractor (truck is currently one of his favorite words) and riding on the "banana bus." He wasn't as into the Hay Barn as I anticipated. I thought he'd love climbing all over it, but he didn't like the way it felt on his hands. He decided the goats were ok when Grandma fed them, but a little too scary to touch himself. The "corn box" (think sandbox but with corn kernels instead of sand) was a huge hit. We both still had corn in our clothes when we got home. We had a yummy lunch in the warm barn, picked out some gourds (he preferred them to the pumpkins) and headed home for a warm nap.

We spent a good deal of time at an amazing playground in my parents' neighborhood. Instead of mulch it is surrounded by shredded tires - so nice and cushy! He had a blast on the smaller climbing structure. Unfortunately, he also loved running down the brick path, which resulted in his first busted lip. It was bound to happen, I suppose.

Saturday was the big shower. Obviously my sister was there, but so were Matt and Kate, most of the Ferguson ladies, my grandmothers and aunt, and lots of other ladies I don't often see. I got to meet Colt Minder for the first time! Friday night the Fergusons came to visit and Sam and Hayden (turning 2 this month) had a ball together. It was the most playing WITH someone that he'd ever done. She even taught him to scream. It made my heart happy to see him playing with a Ferguson!

Sam had a bit of a language explosion while were in Ohio. I come from a family of talkers, and I think he was trying to keep up. Some new words from the week: football, outside, shoes, truck. He can repeat a lot of words. And he says Papa, clear as a bell. He was standing on the coffee table (my parents have NO rules about climbing on their furniture) when my dad got home from work. Its a clear shot to the back door. The door opens and "Papa" comes out of the babe's mouth. No other human has ever received a greeting by name from Sam.

Notice I said human. Because Grandma's house also has the cat. And the cat was greeted with more enthusiasm than anyone else all week long. He'd run around chanting "cat, cat, cat, cat, cat" all day. He'd demand to go look for him as soon as he woke up. He'd make us check all the usual hiding places regularly. Fortunately the two of them have a good relationship - Sam is surprisingly gentle and Danny (the cat) is surprisingly tolerant. Its pretty cute to see them together.

It was a great trip, but we were happy to come home to our Daddy. Next trip to Ohio will be for Christmas, and then we will take Daddy with us!

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