Saturday, October 30, 2010

Word Count

Today Sam turns 18-months-old. Officially one and a half. Normally I would writing his big milestone post, but his well visit isn't until Friday and I want to report all his stats, so that will come next weekend. But today Chris and I made a list of all of the words he now uses. Sometimes he uses them on his own, sometimes with prompting, but he clearly knows what they all mean and we've heard them enough to know they're here to stay. When we saw how long the list was growing we were pretty encouraged, seeing as he only had 2 at 15 months. I think he only needed 10 words to reach the 18-month milestone!

1. Hi
2. Uh Oh
3. Cat
4. Ga Ga (Dog)
5. Ah Ah (Hot Dog)
6. Thank You
7. Pa (Please)
8. Up
9. All Gone
10. Truck
11. Car
12. Papa (Grandpa)
13. Buh Bye (or just Bye sometimes)
14. Ths (This, used whenever he doesn't have another word)
15. Socks
16. Shoes
17. Ys (Yes)
18. Papi (Paci)
19. Ball
20. Bubbas (Bubbles)
21. Hat
22. Bath
23. Amen
24. Ome (Home)
25. Ju (Juice)
26. Sup (Step)
27. Cheese
28. Bus
29. Boom

So he's made incredible strides in the language front in the past three months. I have to admit, though, that I don't think he's grown much in height or weight since we checked last, but we'll see for sure in a few days!

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