Saturday, September 17, 2011


So, we've finished our first three weeks of preschool at the Hunniford House. How's it going? Really well!

The mornings are great - he jumps out of the car and grabs my hand, "hold hands, parking lot and street!" Once in his classroom he grabs his lunchbox and puts it in his cubby - he knows which one of his, first time, every time. Yesterday, immediately after he put his lunch away, he declared "I'm going to go play with that!" and pointed to the table with peg boards. I asked for a hug and kiss, he obliged. Then quickly sat down and got to work. He looked up at me and said, "Bye Bye, Mommy!"

His teachers say he does really well during the day. He's even eating his lunches!!! One day he chose not to paint, but I am told that happens from time to time - 2-year-old texture issues. I get to hear small snippets about his day, about as much as my little guy can recount in linear fashion.

Naptime is a different story. At first he was "opposed to the idea of the napmat" (said teacher b). He's adjusted to the concept, but with the no-paci-rule, he isn't sleeping well. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons he is TIRED and cranky. We had to leave the library yesterday in pure meltdown mode. But he is sleeping longer at night and at naptime on non-school days, so I think he is making it up. Hopefully this will improve.

And what am I doing? I'm so busy! My bookkeeping job about half the time, cleaning the house, doctor's appointments, etc. I've only actually gotten out to run errands once so far! I thought I was going to get all these projects done. HA! I think I need to work on my time management...

So we are adjusting. We aren't totally set yet, but we (most importantly, Sam) are having fun! He loves his teachers, his friends, his days. Hooray!

Friday, September 16, 2011

On My Fridge

These are the items hanging on my fridge right now:

-2 Baby Shower Invitations
-1 Birth Announcement
-3 Kids' Birthday Invitations (1 First and 2 Third)
-1 Preschool Calendar
-1 Singing Magnetic Alphabet Set
-Numerous "Art" Projects Created By My 2-Year-Old

In recent months I have removed take-out menus, pictures of me and my husband and wedding invitations. I think I'm really in the throws of this life-stage, now!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The River

I'm almost a month behind with this post, sorry 'bout that ( I see why Sam says that all the time). But we did make our 12-hour trek there once again this year. It was much relaxing, playing at the "river beach," soaking up the sun, and hanging with family. At the max there were 12 of us there, so its a good thing we were upgraded to a friend's house down the road. 6 bedrooms! I'm not sure I'll be able to go back to the other house now, I've been spoiled.

Sam had a blast. We have no fear of water this year, and he had a great time running in and out, splashing, playing, making "food" and working on his swimming. So brave was he, in fact, that he wasn't allowed to take his life jacket off at all.

I think I'm just going to post all of the pictures. If this link doesn't work, let me know :-)