Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The River

I'm almost a month behind with this post, sorry 'bout that (oh...now I see why Sam says that all the time). But we did make our 12-hour trek there once again this year. It was much relaxing, playing at the "river beach," soaking up the sun, and hanging with family. At the max there were 12 of us there, so its a good thing we were upgraded to a friend's house down the road. 6 bedrooms! I'm not sure I'll be able to go back to the other house now, I've been spoiled.

Sam had a blast. We have no fear of water this year, and he had a great time running in and out, splashing, playing, making "food" and working on his swimming. So brave was he, in fact, that he wasn't allowed to take his life jacket off at all.

I think I'm just going to post all of the pictures. If this link doesn't work, let me know :-)

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