Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dewberry Farms

I have very happy childhood memories of the pumpkin farm. Circle S - who remembers? Bundling up, hot cider, donuts, hay barn, hay rides to the pumpkin patch, picking out the perfect pumpkin lying right where it had been cut from the vine. I want those memories for Sam, too.

So I googled and asked around - there is one option in "Houston." Out we drove (almost an hour) to Dewberry Farms. I dressed us all in jeans because I was overly excited about the overnight lows, but it was still 80+ by the time we were done. They were selling sno-cones, not hot cider. The pumpkins had been trucked in - not a vine in sight. The Christmas Trees they drove us past were not douglas firs, but some Carolina something-or-other-variety that didn't look like they'd hold an ornament. Guess we won't be cutting our own down anytime soon.

So it wasn't the same as in Ohio, but WE HAD FUN!

We hit up the Cow Train first. I couldn't tell if Sam was enjoying the ride, because he has a tendency to concentrate really hard when experiencing something new and different. But we hopped off and he announced, "I had fun on that!"

Next we jumped on the wagon ride. No hay, but in truth my husband's allergies may have appreciated that. Sam definitely enjoyed this ride! In addition to the tree lot and the flowers, we drove past the corn maze. I think it wouldn't have been too difficult for any adult over 5'6" this year - stupid drought!

Then it was time to pick a pumpkin. Sam thought they were all great, and enjoyed examining all of them. He was NOT, however, interested in taking a cute fall picture amongst the pumpkins.

(At this point in the day our camera died. Someone used it for his fieldwork this week.)

Sam got to sit on a big tractor, and reluctantly got down as a line of other little boys began to form behind him. We moved on to "Little Farmerville" to play with the other 6-and-unders. Not at all interested in digging in the box of loose corn, and frustrated that he's still too short for most tricycles, he found joy in the big roller slide and long tunnel.

Then he found real joy in feeding the goats! Oh how the boy giggled as he felt their tongues on his hand. We visited more animals in the barn, visited some singing stuffed chickens, and called it a day.

Chick-fil-a on the way home was a wonderful way to end our family outing.

1 comment: said...

Even the picture with the pumpkin was cute to us :-) of course some would say we are biased! Yay on the no hay - could have been bad news.