Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Marshmallow's Anatomy Ultrasound

First, meet Marshmallow. This is the name we have given our unborn child. Sam's prenatal name was Poppy (because when we found out about him, he was the size of a poppy seed), and we got so used to saying it that for a good 18 months after he was born I found myself referring to Poppy whenever I spoke of my pregnancy. Weird, huh? Well, this name is derived from the proximity of my due date to St. Patrick's Day. Chris didn't like Lucky Charm, so we went with Marshmallow, because that is the best part of Lucky Charms. I'll admit that we don't use this name quite as frequently as we did Poppy, but I think that's largely because a certain someone thinks we're actually offering him one every time we bring it up.

Anywho, today we got our second peek inside at little Marshmallow. Today I am 19 weeks and 6 days pregnant and Marshmallow is weighing in at 11 ounces. That is exactly what Sam weighed at his anatomy ultrasound, which I believe was at 19 weeks 1 day. Not only are our children similar in size, but they appear to be similar in personality, too. It was almost scary how paralleled this appointment was to Sam's! It appears that we produce children who love to swim and kick until they are asked to do so, and then curl up as tightly as possible so that no one can see anything. We went through a whole list of antics just to get the kid to move enough to see the necessary anatomy.

Summary of the ultrasound: we have a healthy baby growing in there!

And that's all we really know. Once again, we will NOT be learning the gender prior to birth. I'll admit that I was super tempted to peek today, but alas it is still a secret shared only by God and our ultrasound tech. My chart now contains a big red flag indicating that this information is to remain a surprise - it is written down nowhere.

So here you go, the latest pictures of our little one. First up, knee in the face - profile shot of head on the right and you can see some arms and legs all bent up on the side:
This one is a bent arm - hand on the right side:
Next we have a foot (top left):
And two feet right together in the center:
And finally, a creep front shot of the face, complete with alien eyes:

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