Monday, July 23, 2012


 As three-year-olds often do, Sam says some pretty cute things.  For the sake of documentation, I will record some of them here:

This one came out of the blue, totally unprompted:
"I'm not gonna poop anymore, cause I'm three.  I've done a lot of pooping this year."

Yesterday morning I said to Sam, in a tone I would normally use when making a hand-off to Chris, "Here, you hold this."  Sam said, "Ok."  I think he enjoyed having someone watch Chuck And Friends with him.

A few days ago we took my car in to have a tire replaced (stupid 2 nails right next to each other!).  Later that day Sam overheard Chris explaining to me the strange noise that his car was making, which seemed to be coming from somewhere between the engine and the steering wheel.  Today at the park:
"My tire has a big sound between the engine and the steering wheel.  Need to use these tools to fix it in the shop."

And finally, at lunch time as the thunder was rolling in he announced that he would have to go in the dark (read: under the covers) to hide from it during his nap.  I told him that if he gets scared during his nap he could call for me.  He replied:
"But if I get scared, Jesus is in my heart with me in case I get scared."

Monday, July 16, 2012


A few weeks ago Sam asked to feed Annabelle.  It was the first time he asked.  They both enjoyed it, although it didn't last long.  And how awesome are those Fire Truck Jammies, courtesy of Mommy's friend Megan?!

The other day Sam asked me to come to his room to see his dolphin.  I expected to find a puzzle piece or stuffed animal.  Instead, he proudly pointed to his magnadoodle.  "Look!  I gave it eyes and hair and and mouth and see how its swimming in all the water?!"  He was proud.  And, because it is the first time he has attempted to draw a thing, not just scribbles, without a teacher's prompt, I was very proud, too.  I only wish he would have composed his masterpiece on a more sustainable medium.

Many blogs told me that if I dressed like a cow, then Chick-Fil-A would give me free food.  So we did, and so they did!  Not only was it entertaining for Sam, who got to practice his fine motor scissor skills while making his own spots, but it was also free dinner that I didn't have to cook or clean.  And Sam decided he loved the big cow.  "Cowie!  Hi Coooowwwwieeee!"

Finally, I feel like a real mom now.  I have a car pool for preschool AND I will be room mom for Sam's class in the fall.  Woa.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Summertime, And The Living Is...Steamy!

An excellent display of one of the reasons that I don't really care for the city of Houston.  I mean, come on.  That's just brutal.  I documented it on the way to one of Sam's swim lessons, and no my car had not been parked in the sun.  Good thing we have a nice, humid heat here, too.  Naturally, I was concerned for the well-being of my tiny little girl, who would be forced to sit on the side of the pool with me while we watched her brother failed to follow directions in the cool water for thirty minutes.  This was my solution:

Her cheeks were a little read by the end, but she was fine.  Any my pediatrician assured me that exposure to short temperatures for short periods of time is not harmful.  Apparently, babies have been living in Houston since well before air conditioning.  Who knew?

So yes, we've entered the time of year where a great deal of my energy goes towards entertaining my children in wet or indoor ways.  And yes, one of those ways is swim lessons for Sam.  We are splurging on semi-privates this year, mostly for convenience in scheduling while I have a bitty in tow.  Sam was off to a great start, but is becoming a bit too comfortable with his teacher.  So she has switched on her "teacher mode."  She thinks he can "swim" independantly if he will just pay attention a focus for a few lesson in a row here!  He loves to watch this video of himself kicking all over the pool, by himself, with only the aid of a pool noodle.

Next up: the Cup Pool.  We upgraded our local YMCA membership to city-wide for the summer so that we could have access to a more kid-friendly pool.  We've been a couple of times now, and its totally worth it.  Sam is as happy as can be running around, dumping water, walking on his hands, etc.  Daddy came once, which allowed Annabelle to get in on the action.  One time I left her in the Y childcare while Sam and I swam alone. 

When I don't feel like braving the big pool with two kids alone, there's always the baby pool in the back yard.  It doesn't hold attention for quite as long, but it sure is fun while it lasts.

We have some friends with a backyard pool that invite us over occassionally.  Its a bit of a drive, but its worth it to swim with friends.  Our first trip this year also served as Annabelle's first dip in the pool!

Other than that, our outside play is over for the day by 10am.  After that its blocks, reading, climbing on furniture, following me around and cars.  We had our visitors to keep us occupied one week, and VBS the week before.  Sam really enjoyed VBS this year, talked each day about his Flying Squirrles class and still carries around his Bible Memory Buddies.  He wasn't afraid of anything this year, either.  I enjoyed my job this year as well - Stage Manager for the opening and closing programs in the sanctuary.  It had its busy moments, but also allowed me to nurse Annabelle in the middle of the morning, which was nice for both of us.

And now Sam is back to school a few days a week for the next three weeks.  I thought that I was going to have all this time to hang with Annabelle and get caught up on life, but our few days are filling up all too quickly!

Its not even 4th of July yet, which means there's 3 more months of summer weather in Houston.  Join me in praying that we all survive it, won't you?