Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sam's Afternoon

We put him down for his nap around 1:30, he was asleep by 1:50.  He slept and slept and slept.  We watched our last episode of Downton Abbey, which was a 2 hour episode.  Now I have to wait until January before the new season is available.  I started talking about Matthew and Mary and dinner tonight and Chris said, "Oh man, that took me a minute.  I thought you were talking about real people."  To which I responded, "They are real to me!"

But that is not the point of the story.  Sam napped for a long time.  At 4:15 we started discussing our wake-the-boy-plan.  Its not fun to wake him from a nap, but sometimes it must be done to preserver bedtime.  At 4:35 Chris went in, but the boy could not be roused.  He slept more.

Chris left the door open and we went about our day.  He slept until about 4:50.  Chris went in with serious kid gloves because Sam can be really mean when he wakes and you just want to avoid waking that beast if possible.  It started well, but went down hill fast.  As soon as he left his room Sam realized that his bag of Goldfish Crackers had been moved while he slept.  This was unacceptable and the tipping point for an avalanche of emotion.  A few things were moved, the bag of crackers replaced in an attempt to appease the sleepy beast.  But apparently the whole ordeal was just too much for him because the next thing he said was, "I want to take another nap!"

He walked into his room, climbed into bed, told Chris to shut the door, and was quiet.  Its now 5pm.

2 minutes later he calls for Chris.  We thought he'd tell us he was ready to try again, ready to be awake.  No.  He told Chris to flatten out the bag of Goldfish.  Y'all, this bag was on the dresser in the hallway.  Sam was in his room, door closed.  He had no line of sight.  That means that he was lying in his bed, thinking about how the bag had been left, and it was bothering him enough that he could not rest.  Holy Cow.  Chris adjusted to bag to Sam's liking and shut the door once again.

He called for Chris again at 5:20.  This time he was up for good.

We enjoyed a lovely evening, he and I took a bike ride and we had leftover spaghetti for dinner.  At 7:04 he said, "I'm ready to go to bed."  Wow.

Well, by the time we all got jammied, and played on the big bed, and tickled and laughed and took turns catching Annabelle who insisted on crawling off the bed and thought it was just histerical when you tried to catch her, and threw around a sticky eyeball, it was 7:45 when we achieved lights out. 

So yeah.  Remember how I said he was up at 4:40 yesterday morning?  I guess it finally hit him.  That and the little cold he's carrying around today.  Poor guy was just DONE.  I had to write it all down, because I think hearing a non-feverish 3.5-year-old boy ask to take a second nap of the day is a once-in-a-lifetime kinda thing.

**Bonus Story: He got a sticky eyeball as a party favor from his buddy's 4th birthday.  Yes, his buddies are turning 4.  I don't want to talk about it.  But this eyeball is fun and sticks to things and crawls down walls, etc.  After dinner Sam said he was going potty and then we heard him playing by himself for about 10 minutes.  Eternity for him.  We noticed.  He was quiet when he finally came back, but assured us everything was Ok.  Later we played around with him, asking where his eyeball was because we noticed it stuck to the kitchen ceiling.  We laughed.  He laughed and said, "Oh I was scared and went in my room and didn't tell you guys."

So there you have it.  The first time he purposefully hid his actions from us to avoid punishment.  Now in this case it was a non-issue, the eyeball on the ceiling was funny (not sure why he thought we'd be mad about it).  But I took the opportunity to have a little chat about always telling mommy the truth, and if its an accident than I won't be mad and he won't be in trouble.  Now we both have to follow through...

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