Saturday, December 29, 2012

10 Months

She's just not a bitty baby anymore.  Of course she is still tiny, she can still fit into some 6 month clothes, but she is getting so...mature!  Not only is she gaining is physical skill and ability, but he little personality is starting to shine through, too.

AnnieBananie is an amazing crawler.  She is fast and adept, and is really enjoying her time experimenting with "off-road" crawling.  Over top of legs, pillow, piles of new presents...all fun challenges.  She can also get up the stairs at Gommy's house with some speed, but that activity most certainly requires supervision.  Some days I'm really glad we live in a one-story house.  She pulls up on everything, mostly my pant leg, and doesn't need much support for standing.  As long as she has one hand for balance purposes she can play standing up.  We've even seen her stand completely independantly for several seconds before sitting down.  She can cruise but doesn't seem to enjoy it.  She needs to be really motivated by something on the table to cruise over to it, otherwise she'd rather get down and crawl to her destination. 

She is also beginning to display he opinions much more frequently.  The other day she started yelling from her high chair when she saw the berry containers come out of the fridge.  She kept yelling until she felt she had been served enough.  Kinda funny!  She yells at Sam when he steals toys.  But she is also laughing more and picking out some favorite toys.

One of the strongest opinions she is showing these days is her preference for Mommy.  This is a relatively new thing, and it is more intense when we are or have house guests.  I think that the constant presence of other adults make her feel all the more need to return to Mommy.  Of course it doesn't help the situation that she still associates me with food, but she prefers me when tired, too.  I'm really hoping that this doesn't turn into a full-blown separation anxiety!

She is a sweet, sweet girl.  She likes to have her back rubbed, especially when she's tired.  Her cheeks are adorable and her smile is precious.  She laughs her tiny little giggle when you nibble her neck or blow on her belly.  Sam is still the light of her life. 

Her list at 10 months...
-Having something in her mouth
-Feeding herself

-Being bundled up for cold weather (oh, my tiny Texans...)

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