Friday, December 14, 2012

Breakfast With Santa

I left this out of the last post because I was waiting on the pictures to arrive in my inbox...

Once again we ventured to the church that hosts Sam's preschool to meet the Jolly Old Elf.  They served us pancakes (Annabelle's first, and I think she's in love), bacon, oranges, juice and coffee.  Sam made a few little crafts, and then we met the big guy. 

Sam had no hesitation this year, walked right up.  He was shy, but goal oriented.  He very much believed that he needed to meet with this guy in order to turn in his Christmas request.  There is no doubt that he believes Santa to be true.  Last week Chris mentioned that he wanted to ask Santa for something for Christmas.  Sam told him he couldn't have it because he didn't talk to Santa at the breakfast. 

Santa's local elf was listening carefully, and fortunately his request has not changed over the past three months.

Annabelle was fine with the visit.  Once again, completely unphased by all that happens in her crazy life.  She made no requests, but I think Santa will remember her as well.

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