Friday, August 30, 2013

18 Months

Once again, Annabelle's age has completely caught me by surprise.  I think that there is a part of me that wants her to stay a baby forever, so I pretend.  But here we are!

According to the pediatrician, she is right on track.  She weighed in at 20lbs 10oz (23%) and 32.5" (74%, although I think they may have over-estimated by an inch).  

She isn't talking much yet.  She has about 10 words that she uses consistently, and that is beginning to frustrate all of us more and more.  Including her.  She communicates a lot through points, grunts and head nods, and that's part of the problem.  We do understand her.  But words would be so much more efficient!  She blabs a lot, so there is a chance that she thinks she has more words than we are hearing.  I think she and I are going to work on it a bit, because I can't wait to hear what's inside that little head of hers!

She does, however, say Hi and Bye to everyone and everything, with a wave.  So friendly.

She is, of course, still absolutely adorable.  Most comments center around her cheeks and hair.  I like the cheek comments, cause those are ALL mommy!  But her hair is truly awesome.  Tight spiral blond curls - so much lighter at the end of summer.  She gets the craziest bed head, and her hair will stay in place even after you take out a rubber band.  She already has product - she has a spray on conditioner to control the frizz.  Its fun.

I am also happy to report that we almost have 4 teeth!  Last week we felt the top right tooth and the top left is right there, too.  Some of her peers have a mouth full of teeth!  Her world may open wide up when she has both top and bottom teeth with which to bite!

We are starting to hear "NO!" a lot more out of her.  I think she should have to wait until she has a vocabulary before she moves into this stage of stubbornness, but she appears to believe otherwise.  Most of her no's are directed at her brother, but she isn't shy about letting her opinions be known with anyone.  She is also dipping her toe into the world of disobedience - I ask her to come, she'll look at me and walk away.  Which means that my easy-going, go with the flow girl is also entering the world of discipline.  I can't believe she is just now getting there - Sam was in time outs before his first birthday.  This is different though - she knows what I'm doing (she sees Sam do it all the time).  Here we go!

It may all be good timing, though, because she is also acting very toddler recently.  Emptying book shelves, pushing buttons on electronics, etc.  She is old enough to understand she shouldn't touch, so we get to enforce it. 

She has never been much of a fan of books, much to my dismay.  But finally, FINALLY, she has a favorite.  She wants to read "Where's Spot" every night, and love to open the flaps.  She kisses the monkey every time, only the monkey.

She is cuddly and sweet and loves us all - its clear.  Other than us, here's what she likes right now:

-Animals (obsessed)
-Quinoa and Couscous

-Having Dirty Hands (she prefers utensils and asks to have her hands wiped mid-meal)
-Most Meats
-Not being immediately handed a smoothie upon waking in the morning.

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