Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Just Like Him

My little girl has a favorite person:

Let's talk about how proud she is that she can finally say him name!  She says it a lot.  The other day he was having quiet time in his room after school and she had already napped.  She stood outside his door calling, "Saaam.  Saaam.  Saaaam."  Until I moved her away so that Sam's time could be, ya know, quiet!

She is perfectly content to play with toddler toys when he isn't around, but as soon as he makes an appearance, she wants to do exactly what he is doing.  She tries to play basketball.  She pushes cars around the house.  She swings from railings outside of school and tries to keep up with the 4-year-olds as they race.  A few days ago she brought me Sam's helmet, indicated that I was to put in on her, and then did this:

She didn't get very far, but I can tell she really wants to learn.

Anyone who has ever spent the night in the same dwelling as Sam will know that he calls for a parent to get him out of bed in the morning.  "Mommy, I'm awaaake!"  Every day the same call, with the same intonation. The only change is if he calls for Mommy or Daddy.

Last week Sam and I were playing and we heard Annabelle wake up from her nap.  "Mama, Waaake!"  Sam and I both burst out laughing.  The exact same intonation as Sam.  He declared, "Hey, those are my words!"  The tone is so similar that when Chris heard it the next morning through the monitor he had to ask me which kid was awake.

Not all of her mimicry has been so cute.  There are some table manners of Sam's that I wish I weren't seeing duplicated, for example.  But for the most part, it is fun to watch her watch him and grow.

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