Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"They Don't Have White Christmases In Houston"...or Florida

We listened to Christmas music almost exclusively in December, and that one singing the praises of the warm Texas winters pops up a bunch on our local stations.  So we wouldn't be missing any winter wonderlands here by leaving town, but we certainly weren't gaining any upon arrival in Florida, either.  This is what Festive in Florida looks like:

Trips to the beach to watch the sunset.  Siesta Key Beach, a mere 15 minutes from Dave and Debbie's house, is repeatedly voted one of the best beaches in the US.  Amazing powdery white sand, clear and warm water.  While it was hardly warm enough to swim, the high that day was only about 80 and the sun was setting, I thought the kids would have fun running around in the sand.  Much to our shock, Annabelle would have none of it. I mean none.  When I tried to set her down in the sand she pulled her legs up to her chest, shook her head and repeated, "No!  No!"  The closer I moved her towards the sand, the tighter she clung and the higher she pulled up her legs.  She was only happy sitting on the mat - wouldn't even try.  I forced her to stand on the sand and dip her toes in the water, and then she ceased to trust me and wouldn't even let me hold her.  What on Earth was her deal?!  The girl loved the beach last summer.  Hopefully this is a fluke!

Flip to my son, who did not miss the potential fun that is a beach.  Frisbee with Papa?  Awesome.  Football with Daddy?  Great!  Smashing through sand castle left behind by vacationers?  His personal favorite.  He even attracted a few other kiddos to join in that fun.  A few warnings not to throw sand, this boy couldn't contain his enthusiasm.  The adults watched and sipped our afternoon coffee as we chatted about the cute Northerners that thought mid 70's equated swimming weather.  "Haha, I'd never, too cold!"  And as the words left my mouth, Sam's toes hit the water.  First his legs were wet, and we warned him to keep his clothes dry.  Then the water splashed his shorts, and we told him no deeper.  Then his shorts were wet, his shirt splashed, and we realized what we were facing.  We took the wet shirt off to keep his warmer, and then he went swimming.  All out wave diving.  In his Janie and Jack shorts he was still wearing from church that morning.  We let him swim till the sun was gone, while Annabelle sat on her mat.  We prepared for the ensuing meltdown that would come on the long, wet walk back to the car in the cool post-sunset air.  But the fits never came, he just caked more sand upon his head and chest as he giggled back to the car - where we changed him into the "emergency" underwear left in my glove box from potty training days (size 2T) and Chris's white undershirt (size men's large).  It is a joy to watch him have so much fun.  And I learned a lesson - always bring the boy a swimsuit to the beach!

I was much more prepared for our park trip the next day.  Sarasota has installed a great new playground close to downtown and we took advantage of it.  The kids really enjoyed themselves, and it was fun for me to have so much adult back-up at a busy (did I mentioned the bus full of YMCA campers?) playground.  And after burning off some energy, naturally we headed to Chick Fil A - our first visit to one with an outdoor playplace!

We were back at the same park a few days later, visiting this time with the Best Man from our wedding and his family.  Sam kept calling their 4-year-old (Sam's 2nd cousin twice removed) "Zack Attack" and we had to learn that not everyone prefers nic names.  

Sam had a very big treat later in the week - his first "real" golf trip with the men.  Daddy and Papa had gone earlier in the week, but everyone decided that Sam should join in on the second trip once Benton had arrived.  All reports indicate that he did well - made contact with the ball, used a "driver" and a putter, and of course loved the golf cart as well.  How grown up is he?!  Don't worry, the ladies supervised Annabelle's nap very well over our hummus and cheese snacky lunch while the guys were perfecting their skills.

A quick google search on Sarasota will likely turn up much chatter about the circus.  Traditionally the winter home for the Ringling Brothers Circus, it is still a pretty big deal there.  In years past I have attended the circus museum and the historic Ringling estate and gardens.  This year we attended the largest youth circus in the country.  A much longer show than we expected, but the things these teens were able to accomplish was quite impressive!  And the kids did really well watching the show.  Annabelle discovered cotton candy (Sam wouldn't touch it) and Sam came home with a loud light-up gun.

We always try to visit Chris's grandmother a few times while were there, and it is certainly nice for the kids when it is nice enough for those visits to occur outside.  I think Grandma enjoyed watching him perfect his 2-wheeled scooter skills as well!

I enjoyed the break from layer up with sweats and gloves for my runs and evening walks with my boy and his new head lamp.  Lunches outside by the pool and plenty of outside play. 

My kids do so well when we can spend our time outside.  Maybe we don’t need a white Christmas after all!

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