Monday, December 30, 2013

'Tis the Season

With less than three weeks between the day we returned home from our Thanksgiving trip and our departure date for our Christmas trip, we were, to say the least, BUSY fitting in all of the Christmas fun and magic that is both joy and requisite for a family with young children.  Of course, peppered in amongst all the events was plenty of Christmas song singing (Sam knows the words to lots of songs now!), Christmas Movie watching (Charlie Brown Christmas and Cat in the Hat Grinch were big hits this year), Christmas light viewing, decorating and shopping.  We read Christmas stories, completed nativities and ate far too many treats.  Annabelle learned the words for “cookie” and “candy” (nini).  Here's a peak into some of this year's Christmas celebrations:

First up was the annual Women's Christmas Dinner at church.  This year I co-hosted some tables with a few friends.  This was "mine" - doesn't it look beautiful!  Wish I could take credit, but someone else did the centerpiece.  I merely provided the dishes and napkins.  Kelly was at my table - so glad they joined our church since we moved neighborhoods and don't get to see them everyday anymore.

We attended the Sewing Seeds Christmas Party at church as a family.  Crafts, cookie decorating, games and a live nativity.  A bit too cold for the petting zoo and bounce houses outside - it was an unusually cold December in Houston, almost like real winter!


The church that houses Sam's school (Second Baptist - West) sets up an amazing Christmas display between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The kids - especially Annabelle - are really going to miss watching the trains travel through their winter wonderlands in January.  I will not miss convincing them not to climb on the sleigh every day!  That's Reagan, Sam's first bestie from school this year.

We also attended "Kids Crazy Christmas Show" at Second Baptist.  I tell you, its accurately named.  A loud, colorful, busy, fun puppet-based Christmas program aimed at Children.  But I assure you, there are some nods in their for the grown ups.  Without question, my favorite part was the cover of Bohemian Rhapsody retelling the entire Christmas story - Mary's convo with the angel through the young family's departure to Egypt.  I would love to have a copy of it.  Anywho, we got great seats because Reagan's dad (Family Pastor at Second Baptist!) snuck us in. 

I didn't get to go to a fancy party for Chris's work party this year, so it was exceptionally fortunate that MY work had one.  All three of us in the company, and our dates had a lovely dinner together.  Don't we dress up well?

There was Christmas in my kitchen, too.  I’m not entirely sure what the most accurate description for my approach to Christmas cookies would be – Hobby?  Tradition?  Obsession?  Probably a bit of all three.  I added two new kinds this year and was exceptionally pleased with the results.  With cookies complete, I decided on another use for my cookie cutters, thanks to Pinterest.  Stocking, tree and gingerbread shaped pizza anyone?

And of course, sometimes I’m just too busy having fun to take pictures.  This would be the case for Kelly’s annual cookie decorating party, a nice night out just for the mama’s.  We all met in playgroup when our oldest kids were babies only a few months old.  We’re spread out now, but its fun to catch up over bowls of frosting and sprinkles.  Nor are there pictures of the family-friendly Christmas party at some friends’ house – more bouncing, more cookies, more celebrating.  Nor our Community Group Christmas party, complete with Erica’s delicious dinner and an amazing cookie spread provided by everyone else.  Thanks to a White Elephant gift exchange, we also came home heavy one colored glass “Celebrate” plate and one singing picture frame!

Sam learned this year that the last week of school before Christmas break is to be thoroughly enjoyed with little to no work realistically expected.  Wednesday was the Christmas Program, joyfully put on by the 3 and 4 year old classes.  Sam has been practicing his songs since October and really knew them quite well.  I enjoyed listening to them at home and on stage.  Unfortunately he had a horrible cough, aggravated by his attempts to sing loudly, so he spent much of the program with his arm up to cover a cough.  Still the cutest little shepherd up there, in my completely unbiased opinion.  There was much waving and smiling at us between songs.

Thursday was PJ day at school – how else are you supposed to watch The Polar Express (experience complete with popcorn, hot chocolate and a sleigh bell on their shoes when they returned to class)!  As soon as the movie was over, it was party time!  Maria and I planned and executed a fun and festive affair, if I do say so myself.  There was musical chairs, a book exchange, pizza, a craft and decorating Christmas Tree Cones for desert.

Post party we headed home to finish the laundry and packing…

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