Friday, May 16, 2014

For the Record

We had Sam's 5-Year Well Visit yesterday at the pediatrician.  For the record:

Weight: 40.0 pounds (45%)
Height: 42 inches (31%)
BMI: 15 (66%)
Blood Pressure: 97/58*
Pulse: 86
Vision: 20/20 right eye, 20/30 left eye
Hearing: Perfect

It appears that Sam has gained 7 pounds and 3 inches in the last year.  I believe this to be his highest weight percentile since about 3 months.  I didn't expect his BMI percentile to be that high, but I guess he is still on the short side.  Chris believes that to be all muscles, though, and he's probably not too far off.  Although the boy is eating more these days - I can't believe I'm saying this, but he can really pack it in on some days!  Last night he devoured every bite of his rather-grown-up dinner (pan-seared catfish, steamed carrots and couscous) and he's been known to eat 3-4 pieces of pizza in one setting.  This from the kid over who's eating habits I literally lost sleep over at one point in his life!

Sam STILL has some lingering eczema patches on his legs, and we were handed the same "how to handle it" flyer we got when he was an infant.  We also left with a prescription for a motion sickness patch to help him out a bit on our long trips this summer.

*(this was on attempt 3.  His first two were really high.  I blame the nurse, she was stressing us all out a bit)

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