Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Tea

 My Mother's Day celebration began on Thursday I was invited to a Mother's Day Tea at Sam's preschool.  I honestly had no idea what to expect, maybe a cookie and a song or two.  I under-anticipated this special event!

As I arrived, Sam came into the hall and grabbed my hand to lead me to where he and I would take a picture together.  Then he grabbed my hand again and led me to his chair in the classroom (they were taught about escorting earlier in the day!).  Once all the Mommies had arrived, the class sang us two adorably silly songs: "Skidly Winky Dinky Dink" and "Tony Chestnut."  The second has us all laughing - you can imagine the motions that might go with the words, "Toe Knee Chest Nut Nose Eye Love You, Toe Knee Nose, Toe Knee Nose..."  There was a part about Tony's friends; Aileen, Pat, Neal, Bob, Rustle, and a line that noted that the song was "silly, but HIP."  Ha! 

After the music we were lead to the youth room where a Chick-Fil-A feast awaited all of us!  Wraps, chips, fruit and a brownie for the moms, nuggets, applesauce, cheese stick for the kids.  Each child went up to the front to collect drinks and fruit to serve to his mom (note: Same does not eat applesauce or cheese sticks so he ate my fruit!).  Also waiting on the table was the hand made Portraits of Mom and an 'All About Mom' questionnaire.  He nailed it with the running, I do enjoy that, but I guess if I only weigh 11 pounds I should probably give up that hobby!  Not sure where he got scary movies from, but I do eat Turkey Sandwiches.  My favorite?  No, but I probably only eat my real favorites when the kids are in bed and can't steal from me!

One might not think that's Sam's portrait of me is "good," but I have never been more proud.  He couldn't/didn't color AT ALL at the beginning of the year, so the fact that I have a face and earrings is impressive to me.  He explained that my neck was black because they didn't have a blonde marker.  (I was thinking about this later and realized that we rarely if ever use color names for skin in our household.  Being in Houston where there are so many shades, I think that "lighter" and "darker" just make more sense to him.)  It was very fun to see Kim's portraits all lined up - she is mom to the triplets in Sam's class and the three pictures could not have looked more different!  She decided she changes her hair color too often...

They showed a video of all the kiddos saying what they loved most about their moms.  There were many very touching answers, but not from my kid.  "I love my mommy because she buys me presents."  And I was not a little bit surprised.  That's my Sam!  It was very fun and special to have lunch with him, and I was thankful that the school insisted that other arrangements be made for siblings, it would not have been the same with Annabelle in tow.  She had a blast with our neighbor (who also happens to be a preschool teacher!) anyhow!  Next year I will be allowed to pop in to the Elementary school for lunch whenever I want, and I am looking forward to doing so!

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