Friday, April 10, 2015

Hoppin' Down The Bunny Trail

Well, Sam had his turn when he was around her age, but this time it was Annabelle’s turn to have a “Year Of The Egg Hunts.”  How many, you ask?  5 Easter Egg Hunts in a 10 Day Span.  Not too shabby my friends, not too shabby.

11.       Katelyn’s House.  Annabelle’s sweet friend from school and her brother invited their classes over for and Easter Party.  Unfortunately only two from Annabelle’s class were able to come, but that didn’t stop those for from having a blast!  They played and crafted and hunted and ate.  Honestly, I know that my girl enjoyed herself much more with just a few friends than she would have in a crowd.

22.       Church.  Our church hosted a hunt about an hour after the last service ended on Palm Sunday.  We went to Whataburger in between, and then the different age groups each had a turn to hunt.  Fortunately for us as parents, both our kids fell into the 3-5 age group this year so we were all participating in the same hunt.  Which my kids rocked by the way.  They scored a ton of eggs.

 33.       School Party.  The beauty of church preschool: the Easter Party.  And detailed lessons on everything Holy Week entails, from the palm branches, through the last supper, the cross and the empty tomb.  And of course, the egg hunt.  I so enjoy the chance to go to these parties and visit with her little friends, their moms and her teachers.  It sheds so much light on the stories that she tells us at home!  Again, my girl needed no assistance from me to fill her basket.

44.       Neighborhood Party.  This is the one that led to tears.  And the only one where she seemed confused.  After an attempt to jump the gun and start early, when she was give the “GO!” she totally froze.  I had to restrain from tossing eggs into her basket for her!  And then she didn’t get the blue one.  Sigh.  She still got some eggs.

55.       Home.  These are the ones that the real bunny hid, obviously.  Yes, Sam got more than her, but that girl found plenty that Sam just blazed right past because she does not always value speed over thought like he does.  

So many eggs.  So. Much. Candy.  So much fun.

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