Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Picture From Preschool

Annabelle's teachers have set up a class website.  At the end of each week they upload an album of photos as well as a summary of what they did that week.  What a wonderful treat for a Mama who struggles to get much detail out of a 3-year-old!  I've downloaded the ones that have our Goose in them.  Here's a selection from the first 6 weeks:

Week 1: Apple Volcanoes, "Old Friends," and music class with Ms. Tina!

Week 2: Fun with the letter "B"

Week 3: Letter C and Chapel!

Week 4: Germany and Pretzel Baking

Week 5: Italy - Soccer, Pizza Making and the letter I!

Week 6: Australia (yes, she made a didgeridoo) and the letter D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My own child does such sweet things all the time.. Classification essay: how to write it is explained precisely here. try it.