Monday, June 29, 2009

Sleeping Success!

So there is some debate about what it means for a baby to "sleep through the night." Many child-rearing books will tell you that any 5-6 hour stretch is considered sleeping through the night, regardless of what time it starts, etc. I have a stricter definition. In my opinion, a baby sleeps through the night when Mommy is able to get a full-ish nights sleep as well.

Based on my definition, I am going to declare that last night SAM SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!. As always, I fed him at 10pm and put him in his crib at about 10:25. I heard no peep from baby boy until 5:45. He has been pushing his long sleep stretch further and further over the past week, and hardly eats at all overnight. So, when he wasn't giving his "hungry cry," I decided to try to push him. I gave him a paci once...twice...three times...and baby boy is back to sleep. He stayed asleep until 7:00, the normal time of his first morning feeding.

Obviously, it would be ideal for him to sleep straight to that 7:00am feeding, but I am confident that is not far away. Plus, my alarm for work used to go off at 5:58 (don't ask why it wasn't 6:00), so its really back to the old days. So mommy got over 7 continuous hours of sleep, plus another hour after the paci-fest. Good job Sam!

1 comment:

the dowiaks said...

hooray!! glad to know that pacifier thing is working for him! great trick, huh?!