Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tickle Tickle

Sam now loves it when you blow on his belly - its pretty much fool proof that you'll get a smile. A few days ago I was getting way more than a smile out of him, he was giving me all kinds of giggles! So here are some happy sounds for you today:

And a funny story to go with it: I recorded this right as Chris was getting home from work. I played back the recording to make sure that it captured the sound just as Chris was walking in the door. As soon as the giggles started, Sam BURST into tears. Of course he was all smiles again as soon as he saw Daddy. So I tried to play the recording for Chris and Sam BURST into tears again. I guess - even as a baby - no one likes the sound of his own voice on video!

2 comments: said...

Had to have been hard for you not to laugh over his giggles - 11 1/2 days! said...

Showed Great Grandma Nordin today - she was so excited!