Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Last week all three of us set out on our next great adventure...a trip to Florida! Chris was scheduled to present a paper at a conference for work (in Orlando), so we've been planning this trip since well before Sam was born. Over time it turned into quite the extravaganza, with both sets of grandparents joining us in one big condo in Orlando for the first half of the week, and then the three of us and the Florida grandparents heading back to Sarasota for the last few days. Here's how it all went down...

We flew out to Tampa very early on Saturday morning and Sam was once again a trooper on the plane. I much prefer to fly with him and another adult! He didn't really sleep this time, as the world is just so interesting these days! We loaded up into Grandma Hunniford's car and drove to Orlando, where we met up with the Ohio Grandparents, Aunt Becky and Grandpa Hunniford at the Condo. Becky only stayed one night, but the rest of us settled in for some fun.

Well, kind of. Chris spent most of the time in Orlando at his conference, business dinners, etc. But the rest of us enjoyed some wonderful time at the pool, outlet shopping, dinners out and in, meeting some cousins, and lounging. Sam enjoyed the pool this time - he hadn't been in one since 4th of July. He kept trying to pick up the mesh in the bottom of his float, as well as the pretty blue tiles on the edge of the pool. Tricky how those things are all stuck in place! But splashing was working well. He even kept his sun glasses on the whole time - so cute!

On Wednesday we all (even Chris) went to Disney World! I have to brag that my baby was a ROCK STAR. We left the condo a little before 9am and didn't leave Disney until after 7pm. During that time Sam caught a few naps on people's shoulders, but nothing longer than 30 minutes. But with all the bright colors, fun songs, and new sights, who has time to get cranky? I think it also helped that I am still breastfeeding, so I had the option to feed him where ever and when ever he needed. The first ride of his life was his favorite: Its a Small World. He especially liked the Holland room with all the spinning windmills, and the last room with all the sparkling white lights. He also seemed to get a kick out of the Country Bear Jamboree - he kept squealing at those anamatronic bears! He did well on the other rides as well, but didn't really like it when the lights went all the way off on Pirates and the Haunted Mansion. He spent the entire Carousal ride trying to eat the shiny gold pole in front of him. We got his picture with Mickey, and pair of ears with his name sewn on the back, and stuffed Mickey, and a Disney World onesie. It was a great day!

Back in Sarasota most of our time was spent with Sam meeting new people. He met Great Grandma Nordin and cousins Andy and Krissy on Thursday, and then most of the remainder of the family at a big party on Friday night. That night he met his second cousin twice removed (yes that's the correct relation - we looked it up) who was born an hour after him. She now weighs about 5 pounds more than Sam, but Sam is still a bit longer. Crazy to see them next to each other! Everyone thought that she'd be able to take Sam, but he tried to eat her head. Oh well.

Saturday morning we took him to the beach, but he was cranky so we didn't last long there. He seemed to enjoy picking up the sand, but I spent the time trying to keep him from putting the sand into his mouth. I don't think you're supposed to eat sand before you start veggies, right? He was unfazed by the water lapping over his feet, but a little confused by the sand disappearing under his feet. I think he'll really enjoy it next summer.

It was a great week, but it really wore out my little man. We tried to get him his naps, but it didn't always work and he didn't share a room with mom and dad well. Someday we'll tell him that the solution to that problem was to move his pack n play to the large laundry room in the Orlando condo ;-) Plus all the long car rides, plane trips, etc. So now that we're back home its all about getting him back onto a regular eating and sleeping schedule.

I'll leave you with a picture from the week with each grandfather. Did I mention that Sam wants EVERYTHING in his mouth these days?

1 comment: said...

Sam definitely played the float guitar like a rock star. He would have started on fun food in Florida if his grandparents had their way.

Grandpa H