Friday, December 4, 2009


Right now, as I type this, its snowing outside my window. Not flurries, or "mixed precipitation," but actual, large, pretty, abundant snow flakes. And its sticking. My grass and roof are turning white. Its so pretty.

It makes me SO happy that my baby boy has seen snow during his very first Christmas season, even though we live in Houston. I'd like to take him out in it, but my mom (in Ohio) has the snow suit that would come closest to fitting him. We'll have to see what we can do...

Meanwhile, you'd think that another hurricane is headed for Houston. Sam and I went to the grocery store because we tend to do that on Fridays. The manager was working my checkout lane and said he had been slammed since 8am. He was running low on chili...ha ha ha. My party for this evening was canceled, and schools are letting out early. Do you think I should tell them that its too warm for the roads to accumulate snow, let alone ice over? Naw, I'll let them have their fun.

And I'll post pictures when it stops coming down. Because I may have seen a lot more snow than this, but its still special to see your Houston home covered in snow in December!

2 comments: said...

Never would have expected Sam would see his first snow in Houston - snow suit wouldn't be in Ohio if anyone had!

Kristen E said...

It reminds me of when we would all freak out at Richmond the first time it snowed every year... as if none of us had ever seen such a thing before. :)
Love, your Wisconsin friend who also got snow this week