Wednesday, December 30, 2009

8 Months

Eight months finds Sam as an exceptionally happy baby. He laughs all the time! He's developed a good, deep belly laugh that can be brought about with simple peek-a-boo, funny sounds, or something falling off his head. It makes Mommy pretty happy to hear it, too.

It was a big month for our little man, what with it being his first Christmas and all. Meeting Santa, seeing family, LOTS of pictures, and new toys. I think he liked his first December.

Once again Sam has some new skills that he has learned over the past month. He is a much more stable stander, thanks mostly to his interest in the Leap Frog Activity Table. He'll stand in front of that thing banging on everything for 30 minutes! Sometimes he forgets that he still needs to hold on, but reminds me loudly that he doesn't like it when he falls down. He can pull up, but doesn't too often because he can't reach most furniture. I told him that he was crawling on his hands and knees it would be easier to reach, but he still isn't interested in that. I guess that's because he is so fast at crawling on his belly. You should have seen him chase after his grandmother's cat! I'm thinking he might just skip the traditionally crawling style, as he is now also making progress towards walking. He will take enough steps to get across the room if you are holding his hands and walking with him. His balance isn't great, but he's getting there!

Oh, and he learned to shake his head "no." I'm not sure he knows what it means, but he thinks its hilarious.

I think Sam is weighing in somewhere between 16 and 17 pounds this month. We haven't been around a scale that's accurate in smaller poundage in while, but I should have a more accurate update for next month after his 9-month check-up. My measurements put him at 27.5 inches long.

Mommy to hold him after a nap
Throwing things
Assisted Walking

Having his face wiped/cleaned
Cottage Cheese

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