Tuesday, December 1, 2009

7 Months

Doesn't 7 months old sound like a bigger, more capable baby? I feel like when I picture a 7-month old my image is closer to toddler than newborn. Looking at Sam, I guess that's probably true - he's been up to a lot this past month!

After getting sick, the poor little man wasn't feeling himself for the better part of a week. Unfortunately, he also got BOTH mommy and daddy sick as well. Chris and I have never been sick at the same time before, and of course it had to happen when we had a sick, clingy infant. Chris got the sore throat worst of all three of us and didn't return to 100% for almost 10 days. We are all well now, thankfully!

Chris spent a week (Sunday night through Friday afternoon) out of town for work. Sam and I stayed busy with playdates, meetings, etc. I didn't realize just how much Sam and Mommy time we had, though, until Chris returned home. His clingy-ness to me had increased to the point that he whined if the three of us were in a room together and Chris was holding him instead of me. Not good! He seems to have rebounded well, and I think that our trip for Thanksgiving helped him to bond with Daddy again.

Sam has developed a dislike for diaper changes and getting into his PJs at night, but I am attributing both of those to being tired. But other than that he is a very happy baby. He laughs a lot, sometimes just at the air. He's experimenting with more sounds, blowing bubbles, and doing "motorboat" with his lips. He has become an unpredictable napper, but he's sleeping wonderfully at night.

For those keeping track, here are Sam's stats: 15 lbs 12 oz and 27 inches long.

Of course Sam's big accomplishment for the month is his new-found mobility. He loves to pull himself along on the floor to get to a toy, computer, or into mommy's lap. He now even tries to follow me when I leave the room - poor little guy starts to cry when he can't keep up.

And finally, this month's likes and dislikes...

Cell Phones
Remote Controls

Pacific Time
Cold Water
Not being able to see (bad view in the stroller, etc.)

1 comment:

hunnifordd@gmail.com said...

His Daddy would cling like that too :)