Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bathtime Fun

All of the sudden, Sam LOVES his bath. I tell you though, he is earning the name Squirmy! Bathing him is absolutely a two person job for the time being, for safety reasons. We cannot stop him from pulling up on the side of the tub, crawling back and forth, or sliding down the slopped wall, so someone needs to hold him while the other one washes him.

He got tons of tub toys from his grandma for Christmas, and he enjoys chasing those as they float around - especially the ones that light up! He has also taken to splashing. Now, while this does get mom and dad quite wet, this habit has actually had one very positive outcome: he no longer minds getting water in his face! This has really eased the process of washing his hair, and made it less of a panic moment if he dips his face while crawling.
We're spending more time in the bathtub these days!

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