Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Beautiful Eyes!

As a mom of an adorable little man you get used to strangers talking to you about, and cooing directly to, your baby. Many of the comments we get, I'd say at least once a week, are about Sam's eyes. Usually something like "What bright blue eyes!" or "What beautiful eyes!" or something of the like. I hear it so frequently that I realized recently that I was kinda shoving it off with, "Oh yeah, we get that a lot." I've tried to be better about being thankful for these comments over the past few weeks, because its a very kind compliment and should be appropriately appreciated.

This past week we were complimented on his eyes no fewer than 4 times. I mentioned it to Chris last night and he said, "Yeah I used to get that all the time, too." Really? I mean I've always thought he had great eyes, but I didn't realize I wasn't the only one!

Truth be told I've always been attracted to a man's eyes. God really knew what he was doing by giving me TWO men in my life with great eyes :-)

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