Thursday, April 29, 2010

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today I was a childless woman. Yes, Sam was very much alive inside of me, and I loved him already, but practically speaking, I was still childless. I did what I wanted, when I wanted, because I wanted to. I thought that I was very considerate of my husband, friends and coworkers, and I really was. But still, it was my life.

One year ago today I planned my day around conference calls, gym hours and tv shows.

One year ago today I attended a quarterly finance meeting and built some spreadsheet model.

One year ago today I was well-rested.

One year ago today my life fit neatly into lists and spreadsheets, and all my ducks were in a row. For the most part, everything went according to my well-laid plans.

One year ago today I went to my 39-week OB appointment and was told I'd made no progress from the week before. My doctor offered to schedule an induction for me, which I politely declined.

One year ago today as we were climbing into bed I told Chris that he was wrong, we weren't going to have an April baby after all...

What a difference a year makes!

1 comment:

James said...

I love this entry, some day Sam will so enjoy reading your thoughts. What a difference a child makes in his parent's lives. Enjoy every minute, it goes by so very fast. Please give Same a big hug from Aunt Judy.