Monday, September 20, 2010

Bye-Bye Baby Curls

I just don't think he looks like himself anymore. I think that his wild, untamed hair matched his personality. Its too clean cut, too neat. He'll have to smear a bunch of food in it to better suit himself.

But he does look handsome, doesn't he? We took Sam to a real barber shop - pole and all - in our neighborhood for his very first hair cut on Saturday morning. I was the only girl there. It took a while (10-15 minutes) but he did great for most of it. A little restless at the end, but I was actually surprised he lasted that long without getting fussy.

We saved two curls for his baby book. Now you can vote - did you like it better before or after?

BEFORE: Right after nap on Friday. Look at those curls, and that awesome bed head!

AFTER: He was showing Sam that the razor wouldn't hurt. Sam knew that - he plays with Daddy's every morning. We don't comb it to the side like that, I like it better straight forward.
And here's some of the process:


James said...

It wouldn't play the video but saw the still shots, truly like the haircut and now he looks just like Chris did at that age. What a handsome boy!!!

Sophie said...

Aww .. he looks like Little Lord Fauntleroy :-) Which reminds me to buy that book for Sam when he is older!
xox said...

Kind of agree with you Lindsay - like the "Surfer Dude" look but he is the cutest and would be even if he had a "Rayhawk"!