Sunday, September 12, 2010


A few pictures to show you the types of things that Sam has been up to recently:

1. Forts and other Sam-Sized Spaces. He likes to squeeze into places that adults can't. He like to be "in things" and "under things."

2. Climbing. On anything and everything he can get onto. Its no wonder that one of his few words is "up," he says it frequently when he needs a boost.

3. Chewing. He was doing so much better about putting everything in his mouth, but he's slowly getting molars. So everything is getting shoved way in the back.

How about those slippers in that last picture? They were a gift from Chris's aunt and uncle. They're mooses. Meese? One moose on each foot. Either way, they're the right size for a 3 year old but Sam loves them. Also visible in that picture is his Buddha Belly. It comes out after dinner most nights. He looks about 7 months pregnant. Ha Ha.


Sophie said...

too cute for words!!

Becky said...

hahaha that last buddha belly pic gave me a good laugh. thanks for making my day!