Saturday, January 22, 2011


Even though Sam has reached most of the major physical milestones that people generally associated with babies, I feel it is important to keep you updated as he reaches some emotional ones. Not as Earth-shattering as rolling over or first steps, but important nonetheless.

First - the pacifier. Its funny, we spent so much time encouraging Sam to take the pacifier. Chris referred to months 3-5 of Sam's life, the time during which he wouldn't take one, as the dark period. It was nice. It was crucial in helping him sleep through the night. It was wonderful in the car, necessary for nursery drop-off, and countless other things. My favorite parenting book hails pacifiers as the best way to teach a baby to self-soothe, an important role in emotional development - I felt vindicated in our use of the item. But my pediatrician continually reminds me that it could affect his teeth.

Plus, he's just getting older. And instead of needing it less and less only to soothe those difficult moments, he was wanting it more and more. It had become a security blanket. He was addicted. It was constantly hanging out of his mouth and starting to annoy me. So as of last weekend, it lives in the crib. There have been some really rough patches as we transition, but he does know the rule. Most of the time now he knows to set it down before we will grab him. Once he did try to wrap it up in lovie to sneak it out...oh that sin nature.

Second - dip. This probably isn't one you'll find in too many of the books, but common amongst the toddler sect. Apparently most foods taste better when they've been dipped in something, anything. Today he dipped his baked beans and vitamin in ketchup. The other day he dipped a green bean in pickle relish. He likes salad dressing, too. Whatever gets the food in his mouth.

My little boy is growing up!

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