Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Did I mention that it snowed in Ohio? Well, I wish I could say that Sam just loved it. It seems to be a trend with Sam - he's not totally keen on most things the first time he interacts with them. Remember when he was afraid of the pool last spring? It seemed like he wanted to like it, but it was just so cold! He did decided that gloves were maybe and ok thing...

He enjoyed being pulled around in the sled. I used to enjoy being pulled around in that sled. He liked going fast, but he didn't like it when snow got kicked up in his face.Doesn't he look cute in his daddy's old snowsuit? The jacket was actually a little bit too small, but the pants worked well.

The boy always likes to have a job. His favorite part of the snow? Shoveling. So serious about it! Its like the sand at the all has to be moved and someone has to do it!
Maybe next year he'll throw a snowball...

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